weekly horoscope - galactic nurse boogy scope 2/19-25/2024

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This week features a Virgo Full Moon (2/24) and a Venus Mars conjunction that squares Jupiter. Mercury also will be moving into Pisces (2/23) and Saturn will sextile Jupiter (2/25).

What does it Mean?!

All the planets we have in Pisces this week means its a good time to work on boundaries in general. Pisces is a highly creative sign that wants to be one with everything. This is a beautiful sentiment, but we need to always be careful that our selflessness doesn’t veer into self deprecation. Focus on your creativity and how you communicate that to YOUR world this week with: Neptune (dream states), Saturn (hard work), the Sun (identity), and Mercury (communication) all in Pisces!

The Full Moon is in the earth sign of Virgo which is a meticulous and discerning sign that can veer into perfectionism. Virgo is the opposite sign to Pisces and Full Moons occur when the Sun and Moon are opposite one another. That is why the Sun’s light is reflected on the Moon and it shows up so bright for us!

Full Moons are generally a good time to release. Some people feel a bit amped up around Full Moons; but generally speaking, the energy you are feeling is meant to be worked on with within your self. If we project that outward, it will often cause us to run head first into situations that we are actually meant to let go of. We are then forced to let go in more painful or dramatic ways than necessary. Virgo is scrutinizing and calculated. So why not use the energy that wells up towards looking more in depth at what isn’t working in our lives and trying to find a methodological way to let go of it.

The shadow side of Virgo is requiring perfection from ourselves or those who we feel reflect us in some way. So make sure you don’t get too nit picky with your musings.

Another thing to keep in mind is that both Mars and Venus are square to Jupiter and the Full Moon is opposite Saturn and Mercury. The Mars and Venus square with Jupiter can make us feel some sexual tension in a nice flirty way. However, the oppositions to Saturn and Mercury could have us feeling stuck in our communication or even a little depressed. My advice would be to use the flirty energy if it comes up, but don’t try and process anything. Instead just feel into the body however that opportunity presents. Then let it go. Honestly, the best way all this could show up would be to exchange a knowing flirtatious glance with a passing intriguing stranger and leave it at that. You’ll be left with a warm fuzzy feeling the next day if you don’t try and do too much, as Saturn sextiles Mercury. Also, if some less than desirable things come up that day before, the next day with that sextile, you could do some processing safely.

Astro Application Quote Corner and Recap:

“What if life, what if loss, what if it was all just one long story that just kept on going and going until it healed itself?” - True Detective Season 3

One of the quotes that runs throughout the True Detective series is “Time is a flat circle and we are all stuck”. Saturn is associated with time and grinding through a process of sorts. What is your relationship with time? When we incarnate into this world it is something we choose to take on and it does have a profound way to heal us if we let it. If we stop clocking time and just acknowledge it has passed every now and again as we take stock of how far we have come in this one life…in our many lives, we can do some real healing. It is progress that is simultaneously incremental and vaster than the largest ocean.

This one may be a bit much after last week or it may hit spot on depending on how things went for you

“It’s the WAY he hates you…it’s so familiar” - Suzanne Collins

Las week for V Day, the intense planet of Pluto came together with Venus the planet of love, relationships, and values so it could have been an intense time. If what came up was more challenging for you based on where you were/are at in life, take a moment to sit with the feelings and see what part of what came up stung the most. Did it feel like it was a life or death kind of situation? If so why? Pluto tends to make us feel like whatever is coming up is existential in nature.

Right after that we had some energies around core wounding and communication that actually may have made it easier for us to repair around whatever surfaced. Those who love us most, often are able to hurt us the most as well. This says less about us than it does about where they are at currently. About them being misaligned with the current of love. However, it’s important for us to examine how and why they hurt us, or why we let someone who is able to hurt us like that get so close in the first place. Why does that type of love feel comfortable, familiar even?

“Everything screams in my dreams” - Often when we have heavy Pluto transits something intensifies in our lives or in the world at large and often that can show up in deep or even disturbing dreams. What were your dreams like last week?

Astro Nerd Corner:

What does the aspect of a “square” or a 90 degree angle between planets mean? A square is a tense interaction between planets and usually means that something in our lives hits a kind of sharp turn and two different options are competing. it is considered to be a challenging aspect for the most part, depending on which planets are involved.


weekly horoscope 2/26-3/3/2024 * galactic nurse boogy-scope


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