Know thyself…

you were born with a toolbox to help yourself through life!

it’s called a birth/natal chart and here’s how i help you use it

01 — BIRTH/NATAL chart reading

A Natal Chart Reading is an analysis of your Birth Chart. Your Birth Chart is a unique map of the positions of the planets, lunar nodes, and asteroids in the sky at the exact time and place of your birth. This is the first reading I do for all clients. Even if you have had a Natal Chart Reading before, it is important to do this reading first because astrologers use different house systems etc. This way we can both be on the same page and speaking the same language. In this 60 minute reading we will not only orient you to your birth/natal chart, but also explore themes of some past, current, and future planetary transits as time permits. Just like gravity is a force that is exerted on us, these astral bodies and points also exert different types of forces on us. Once we learn what these forces are we can better understand the ebbs and flows of our lives and have more grace for ourselves throughout the process. Some of the planetary exertions may take a lifetime or more to resolve. So let me help you “enjoy” the ride :)

02 — Embodying your BIRTH Chart: 12 houses over 12 months

With this reading we will systematically go over each of the 12 houses choosing a different house each month based on which one is more impacted that month. you know that we all have all 12 signs of the zodiac in our birth charts but they govern different parts of our lives? Fascinating right?! There are 12 houses and each can be seen as the stage of different areas of our lives. The planets in these houses are the actors and the zodiac of the house is like the director. The houses correspond to different areas your life. Together we will journey each month through one of your 12 houses. My recommendation is to try the first 3 months to get a sense of how it will work and observe how it will help you have more empathy in your life for yourself and others.

03 — Tarot

Although I often use Tarot as a way to hone my intuition for natal chart readings, I also offer Tarot readings on a particular question if you wish. For more about what a Tarot reading with me is click this underlined link here: What is a Tarot Reading?

maybe when we die we will say “I know this feeling, I’ve been here before”

Knowing your Natal Chart will help you see how to make more strides towards self-actualization in your current life iteration.

life is a transition filled with transitions