If we will be meeting on Zoom, it is best to prepare a space that is as private as possible and relatively free of distractions. This ensures a container is maintained. It also opens the channels of communication between the two of us while providing flexible boundaries against outside interference.

I ask that everyone who signs up for a reading take the time to reflect and try and refrain from too much overstimulation before we meet. In addition, if possible, take a moment/meditate/sit for at least a few minutes at some point between the day before the session and right before. I will do the same. We are co-creating your experience after all and I value and honor your choice to seek out my services.

It is also helpful to observe where we may have addictive tendencies in our behavior or communication in general and see what comes up for us around that.

This is as much an opportunity for me to grow and learn as it is for you (my client and fellow star traveler).

I understand that we all come from different circumstances and have different needs and what I am asking of you may not be possible and that is ok! Just do what you can. Also, please pay attention to your dreams before and after.

How to prepare for your reading…