Weekly horoscope - Galactic nurseboogy-scope 02/12-18/2024

Before we “astro” let me remind you I will be releasing my first independent track on all streaming platforms tomorrow 2/13 please go to my nurseboogy.hearnow.com page which will have a link to whatever streaming platform you use. You can also just go to Nurse Boogz on your platform directly. You can even add it to your posts on social media like Instagram if you want to get fancy with it. Enjoy!

We got a bit of a slow build last week with some supportive transits and a handful of difficult ones as well. All to get us ready for this weeks’ instability. Aaaaaand OF COURSE it’s Valentines day. Oh the sweet sweet comedy of life. Don’t worry though, we get about a half day of some flirty energy and another half day that could be either super hot intense sexy time or just intense and aggressive depending on how the energies hit you. Let me explain:

On Monday we have Mars moving into Aquarius where it will conjunct Pluto the following day at 10:05pm PST. So this is where I was talking about the intensity being kicked up either through intense passion or just intense aggression in general. Not great, as we are at a pretty inflammatory time for the world in general; but also interpersonally this might be a rather challenging Valentines.

My suggestion is to milk the Venus sextile Neptune, which happens earlier in the same day, for all it’s worth. Aka making sure to get in some morning flirty time or take cute selfies early on the 13th.

Thankfully, the day after Valentines, Mercury sextiles Chiron so we should have some energy to really process and work through whatever came up for us around core wounding. We might even be able to communicate this safely to others since Mercury is in highly intellectual Aquarius. Just be careful if you start to feel yourself getting a little pushy or aggresive since Chiron is in Aries.

Then we have Venus moving into Aquarius and meeting up with Pluto and Mars and then promptly landing itself exactly conjunct Pluto on the 17th. Remember Venus is beauty, aesthetic, material values and our self worth and value systems in general. it rules the signs of Taurus and Libra so it wants everything agreeable and comfy. However when it is conjunct with Pluto it is more than a little uncomfortable because the energy of Pluto is asking us to really examine patterns around our body image, our values, maybe gender issues, maybe our relationship to money. Pluto wants us to transform. So anything around these themes that you have been sweeping under the rug for a later date now has to be dealt with wether you are ready or not. What comes up for you this week around all this?

Lastly, we enter Pisces season on the 18th aka the Sun enters Pisces. Pisces is a creative sign so maybe all the intensity of the week will lend itself to you processing through a creative means of your choosing…report back!

I was just in Palm Springs and was drawn to a few stones while I was there that may help you out this week. This doesn’t mean you have to go full consumer and order them on Amazon, but just think about what they represent and how they can help ground you in the best possible expressions of this weeks transits:

Black Tourmaline: Support with energetic boundaries, protection, some say protects from electromagnetic frequencies. As a general rule, solid black stones help with protection.

Rhodachrosite: Usually pink tan and black, it helps us pay attention to OUR hearts and stay soul centered for our own hearts evolutionary processes. For me this speaks to really aligning with my values and staying heart centered and empathetic (Venus)

Petrified Wood: Patience. Saturn is still in Pisces so through all these more inflammatory processes this week, we can cultivate patience with our creativity. It also facilitates transformation (Pluto).

Astro Nerd Corner:

A square is an aspect that is a 90 degree angle between planets. cardinal signs square other cardinal signs mutable square mutable and fixed square fixed.

When we are deliniating an aspect between planets the faster moving planet is always written first. For example Venus is faster moving than Pluto so an aspect between the two would always read “Venus square Pluto” for example

If you want any more astro info feel free to email me

If you would like a basic astro class email me so I can gauge interest.


weekly horoscope - galactic nurse boogy scope 2/19-25/2024
