Over the weekend I was reminded that those who truly love us reflect back to us the beauty we have trouble seeing in ourselves at times. Remember that this week when things feel a little tense. Also remember that some of the transits coming up for us this week and next week may have us or those around us acting out of integrity. Try to show some grace and understanding if your friends, family, and loved ones are a little less than perfect on and around this commercial holiday we call Valentines. Celebrating self-love is always a win win IMO.

So last week we had a little reprieve from the stars with all the “benefic” transits to Venus and Mercury and not a whole lot of chaos. This week we get right back into work mode as Mercury conjuncts Pluto right away on Monday. This is NOT a day for small talk. I don’t know about ya’ll, but I felt like even conversations I was having with people like bank tellers and baristas was a little more weighted today. Resting bitch face may have been the name of the game and you may not have been able to entertain pleasantries in conversation. For those of you working in the service industry or with people on a regular basis this may have felt a bit difficult. However, it is a good day to go deep if that is where a conversation is naturally moving towards. Don’t force it though because the energy could wind up a bit more than either party can handle.

Then on Wednesday Venus in Capricorn Trines Uranus in Taurus and Mars, also in Capricorn, sextiles Neptune in Pisces. So wherever you find Capricorn in your chart is getting an injection of vigor and creativity. Remember the beneficial transits don’t force us into things as much as the malefic ones do, so the energy will be there for the taking but you need to actively work with it otherwise it might just pass you by as a nice feeling. If there are any creative projects or you need to loosen the boundaries you have with someone after they have exhibited some growth, this is the day to do it.

The next day on the 8th, the Sun squares the planet of quick action and flashes of insight aka Uranus, so whatever happened the day before may give you some quick understanding of the type of person you ACTUALLY are.

Now for Friday’s New Moon. This is where things start to get a little hairy right in time for the Lunar New Year on Feb 10th! However, don’t worry it is all “good trouble” that will move us forward in the end.

I also wanted to take a minute to reflect on the cycles of the Moon. We spend so much time focusing on the Sun as a species but, from the beginning of this human experiment, we spent much of our time connected with the Moon. It even translates to today when we look at farming almanacs and the correlations of planting times with the Moon cycles. Or why do we always seem to have an uptick in births around new and full Moons when I am working at the hospital? Or why does the Emergency room staff complain how busy or weird things get around a Full Moon? Why do the tides change with the moon? Why do eclipses have such a powerful connotation in traditional cultures all over the world? These are all just a few examples of our “lunar connections”. So why not honor them this week as we start a new Moon Year!

The New Moon is when the Sun and the Moon are conjunct or right next to each other while a Full Moon is when they are opposite. So both the Sun and Moon are going to be in the same sign as Pluto and squaring Uranus which leeds me to believe that there will be some level of unpredictability and deep transformation that could be happening on and around this date. This doesn’t have a good or bad connotation, but often deep transformaiton and unpredictability can be challenging at the very least. Also Pluto is just starting it’s 20yr journey in the sign of Aquarius so wherever we have that sign in our chart is bound for a serious makeover over the next couple decades. Whatever happens for this new moon in that part of your life may give you an inkling of what themes are taking shape. Schedule a reading to go into this more in depth and how it will affect the rest of your chart.

Pluto is just coming out of Capricorn, the sign that likes to keep order and is associated with old ways of thinking and structure. It is not much for revolution or innovation. It is now moving into Aquarius which is a highly intellectual air sign that is all about innovation and reinventing old systems that no longer serve the masses. One of my favorite astrologers Jessica Lanyadoo said to take some time this week to reflect on how the energies in the world are playing out differently now that Pluto is in Aquarius.

On the world stage this has looked like the US actually having to pay some lip service at least to the genocide they are complacent in in Palestine. We could see this when on February 2nd, Biden issued an executive order sanctioning some Israeli settlers (we’ll see what actually happens here). Also, the Mayor of Chicago Brandon Johnson, signed a cease-fire resolution just as London Breed (Mayor of San Francisco) refuses to do so. Another promising sign is South Africa taking Israel to court for genocide at the International Court of Justice. On February 26th Israel has to report back that they have been upholding the Geneva Convention and not committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. On that day there will be a whole lot of planets in Pisces which is known for its deep feeling energy, spirituality and wanting to feel “one with everything”. So lets see what happens.

Other News:

My song Little Big Love is still set to be available on all streaming platforms February 13th so mark your calendars.

I will be riding 100 miles for the Tour de Palm Springs this week.

If you are an empathetic person with heavy water sign placements you might be interested in my recent experience at the houseless encampment by Starline Social Club in Oakland and how it brought up some thoughts on race and class for me. Check out the article I published called “Double Water Moment” on my blog and “My People Unhoused Not Homeless” on Medium. If you have anything to donate, feel free to shoot it my way, as I will be making another trip soon. Rain gear is probably really needed.

Stay safe and black love up on one another out there this month!


Weekly horoscope - Galactic nurseboogy-scope 02/12-18/2024
