Ok so if last Thursdays’s Full Moon in Leo opposite Pluto with a Mars square to Chiron didn’t have you feeling bonkers through much of the weekend, it must not have hit your chart like it did mine. That was a WILD ride. I know more than a few of you were feeling it too based on our communications over the week. Feel free to share with me what came up for you with a reply :). BUT that Venus sextile Saturn on the end of Saturday going into Sunday probably felt like a nice balm on your wounds and maybe even helped you get creative in some way!

Alright so the collective (that’s us and the humans at large) gets a little bit of a break this week if the transits aren’t hitting your birth chart specifically at least. But even if they are, the overall energies affecting folks will be easeful so that should trickle down to you in some way just in your day to day interactions with others who are having an OK time of things.

Lets dive in shall we!

Mars trine Uranus today 1/29:

Lots of initiative to get up and go that may lead to flashes of insight especially when it has to do with the more material sides of your existence like finances and things that make you feel cozy and well taken care of. Basically around your security. That could look like a day where you get all the grocery shopping and cooking done without getting tired and still feeling fairly rested. Or maybe you are able to sit down and work through a budget of some sort you have been putting off.

Then Friday Mercury Sextiles Neptune!

Remember Mercury is our communication style and on Friday it will be in the grounded earth sign of Capricorn while Neptune, which is all about creativity and connectedness, will be in it’s home sign of Pisces. So maybe some of the things we are day dreaming about will be able to be articulated in a concrete step by step way that paves the way for their actualization! Here’s hoping!

Other Offerings:

For those of you who have a lot of water in your charts you may relate to my recent blog post HERE

A few of you have asked how you could tip me since you felt that I was not charging enough for my readings. I really appreciate that love since I am really trying to make this, and music, my main gigs. So I have added a “Tip your Astrologer” button in the middle of the first page of my website that will send you to my Venmo @marina-stankov. It is never necessary but if you feel like you got additional value feel free to show the love. I spend days on your charts and I love every minute of it!

Also, if you want a sneak peak of a song of mine in Portuguese that will be released on May 24th check me out singing it to my doggo Maceo on IG to help him fall asleep lol. I will also have a release all streaming platforms next month on February 13th of my track Little Big Love that you can download now if you want on Bandcamp as well!

***as always you can book a reading to see if these energies apply to you and how by clicking HERE




Double Water Moment