weekly horoscope 2/26-3/3/2024 * galactic nurse boogy-scope

This week: Good communication, hard work, creative writing, possibly unsettling unexpected changes in our values and or physical being, some help with making lasting change around this, and a boost of creativity…sound good!? I know I know, it’s a mixed bag but we signed up for this life!

First off how did everyone’s Virgo Full Moon with its pile up of planets all in the sign of Pisces feel on and around the 24th? Did anyone feel a little of the flirty affects of the Venus Square Jupiter or was it all toil and trouble grinding away and feeling your feels in the body with the Moon opposing Saturn and all those other planets? Or were you like me and just super “on task” even though you were tired as hell? Feel free to share.

So tomorrow 2/27 Mars and Jupiter will be squaring each other. They are both in fixed signs which means whatever comes up for us my have some staying power for better or worse. Jupiter wants us to expand and Mars is about quick action and aggression, so we might get a boost that we needed to push though a project etc. Make sure that you check in with those affected by the changes you make BEFORE initiating the though because Mars energies push us to really only think about ourselves and definitely NOT to think of consequences.

The next day Wednesday the 28th is when we have a Cazimi with TWO planets! This doesn’t happen that often, and in this case it is with Mercury and Saturn. A Cazimi is when a planet is conjunct, or approaches the center of the Sun. When this happens it benefits from all of the Sun’s vital forces and the qualities of that planet are amplified. So for the beneficial side Mercury, that means intellect, quick whit, and communication and for Saturn that could be diligence and creating structure. For the more challenging energies of those planets it could be gossip and rigidity amongst other things. So whatever that is in your particular case will get a boost of activity from the Sun. So take the time today (Monday) to do a little self exploration and maybe, if you aren’t feeling so hot, take it down a notch activity wise for tomorrow 2/27. If you ARE feeling “so hot”, it would be a great day to write about and codify some structure around your creative habits. Depending on where this is happening in your particular birth chart, it may even be a good time to manifest more of a long term vision. Think - coming up with creative protocols.

Let me preface this by saying I am not a super fan of “manifesting” UNLESS the timing is VERY ON. This is also why it’s a good idea to do a deep dive into astrological study and especially timing techniques, predictive astrology, and transits BEFORE attempting to manifest. OR get yourself a good astrologer to help you out (raises hand) and book a reading. It can literally be unsafe to do otherwise since you could wind up manifesting expansion of an energy that is actually detrimental at that particular time, or manifest at a time that will show no results because the planets aren’t aligned for that particular part of your life to be receptive to the energies of the planets you need. I will have a blog with more about this up later called “Manifesting VS Paying the Planets, or Nudging”.

Ok the rest of the week we have a Mercury sextile Jupiter on Thursday which supports expansion of the ideas you may have written down earlier in the week. A Sun sextile Jupiter and a Venus sextile Chiron on Friday which could help you out if you went a little overboard with the previous energies of Mars square Jupiter. If with the Mars square Jupiter, you touched on anything around your core values and early wounding, these transits will help you heal from that. Also, you may need to tap back into that healing energy on Sunday if you experience any unexpected changes around your values which can include money and our physical body as Venus squares Uranus. In the world at large this might mean quick unexpected change around the rights of non cis-het men.


3/4-10/24 Weekly horoscope/galactic nurseboogy-scope


weekly horoscope - galactic nurse boogy scope 2/19-25/2024