3/4-10/24 Weekly horoscope/galactic nurseboogy-scope

Well hello again! Anything to report from last week’s Planetary shenanigans?

This week we have a “New Moon who dis” in Pisces. Hopefully ya’ll were able to release what needed to be released with that Full Moon in Virgo we had on 2/24 and can now plant some watery seeds with this New Moon in Pisces. I envision the seeds of a Banyan Tree emerging from a jungle river. With strong roots fortified by the structure Saturn provides our creative process while it is in the sign of Pisces. We are all in a continual process of unfolding and blooming with the help of the stars. The biggest one being the Sun of course. What is blooming in your life currently?

Since this New Moon will be in Pisces, think about the creative things that are developing in your life. We don’t have to be labeled as “artists” to let our creativity shine through. Human’s are creative by nature. In a sense, I think we are all magicians. It boggles the mind what we can make. This week I want you to seriously think about something that you do that could be considered creative. I’m talking ANYTHING. Like maybe you arrange the spices on your spice rack in a rainbow color scheme…or you make the most delicious cookies on the planet with the perfect ingredient measurements and yummy aesthetic for your over-worked friends to brighten their day (you know you are (insert flirty emoji here)). SEE YOU”RE A GDAMN ARTIST! Report back on your artistry. I love hearing about people finding new creativity in their lives that was right under their noses from the start!

Also on that same day (Sunday) Jupiter the, planet of abundance, is sextile Saturn, the planet of hard work, so take some time to figure out some tangible, concrete steps around whatever you come up with creatively speaking. Jupiter is also in the sign of Taurus which is a grounded earth sign that likes sensual pleasures, so this could be a fun whimsical little day/project for you to dig your bullish (Taurus is a bull) heels into.

Before we get there though, Friday and Saturday present a couple challenges that could revolve around themes of being misunderstood since Mercury is conjunct Neptune; or being accident prone with the Saturday’s Mars square Uranus. The upside of the Mercury conjunct Neptune is that it also can lend itself to creativity, just don’t try and lay out any concrete plans on that day particularly or the beginning of Saturday. The upside of the Mars square Uranus the next day is that shorty after, the Sun will sextile Uranus. This means that whatever accident prone-ness or aggressiveness you encountered earlier in the day may be followed by a flash of insight. This insight may allow you to incorporate the beneficial aspects of whatever happened earlier into your identity and help you out with similar future sticky situations.

I will be sending out the monthly newsletter today as well which will include: info on readings available, astrology and our current political landscape, and and musical offerings/happenings so check on that if you are interested in those things :)

*******disclaimer: this is a horoscope on COLLECTIVE energies of the week. They may not hit your chart. If you want to see how they do please book a reading


3/11-17/24 Weekly horoscope/galactic nurse boogy-scope


weekly horoscope 2/26-3/3/2024 * galactic nurse boogy-scope