3/11-17/24 Weekly horoscope/galactic nurse boogy-scope

Apologies on the delay folks! From here going forward the weekly Galactic Nurse Boogy-scopes may come on either a Monday or Tuesday. That’s because I have returned to the trenches of my nursing job and will be working every Monday. BUT this is my happy place and I will be with you all no matter WHAT!

So let us begin! Aside from the every day moon transits that are always present and the ongoing outer planet transits that are going to last for years to decades, we have little else going on this week. We only really have a Sun conjunct Neptune (Neptune Cazimi) on Sunday the 17th and Venus moving into Pisces yesterday 3/11.

The Neptune transit lends itself to chasing a butterfly, staring at a crack in the sidewalk or generally just acting like a stoner for the day. It wants us to be open to everyone and every experience. It wants us to attach the lessons learned from those experiences to our identities in some way. It wants us to be creative. So have fun and explore! No need for drugs this day if you do them, as it may push you into a la-la land that is hard to get back from, and or panic. SO keep it al-natural and enjoy! Go outside and play with some kiddos or puppies or both. Rest and get yourself ready for the upcoming eclipse! Even though we started to enter into eclipse season with the New Moon in Pisces on Sunday, the first eclipse of the season will happen on the 25th. We’ll talk more about this closer to/on the date so stay tuned.

Venus moved into Pisces were it is “exalted” yesterday 3/11. Venus is the planet of pleasure and values and so think back to your day yesterday. What was pleasurable about it? What did it conjure up in terms of your true values? Since it is in the sign of Pisces, you might have found that what you value looks a little different than you thought. What are some things that came up yesterday that unexpectedly felt good to you in a more intuitive and unboundaried sense?

Tangential Astro Corner

I have been reading a book I recommend called Anihilation which is a sci-fi book that deals with nature fighting back (gross oversimplification). For me there are a lot of Venutian (of Venus) themes in the book. Remember that Venus rules both the earth sign of Taurus and the air sign of Libra. In it the author Jeff Vandermeer comes up with the phrase to “relentlessly unfurl”. What does that mean for you? Take some time to think about that this Sunday the 17th as the Sun comes together with Neptune. For me it conjures the image or a flower blooming in a hurricane. It remains beautiful even as something tries to destroy it. It is sometimes a struggle to maintain our inner and outer beauty within the bittersweet world we currently live in. I believe it is possible to relentlessly unfurl every day and a little at a time, from a bud to a beautiful flower at the end of all this madness.




3/4-10/24 Weekly horoscope/galactic nurseboogy-scope