I hope that you all got some good playtime in last week because this week we gear up for the Mercury retrograde with a Mercury Retro-SHADE (***), deep vulnerable and maybe transformative thinking, feeling stuck, and a maybe a little good luck if we compost everything else nicely. 

It gives me a good chuckle when the astrology is so literal.  On Monday and Tuesday, as Mercury entered it’s retro-SHADE my internet goes out for over 24 hours and on Tuesday as the Sun enters Aries season (Aries is a fire sign), I see a fire on the freeway. Any literal astrology come up for you all so far? 

Right after Mercury enters the “retroSHADE” on Monday the 18th, it meets up with Chiron! This can bring up thoughts and communications around core wounding and unmet needs that stem from experiences we may have had during our foundational years.

This reminds me a bit of a quote I heard from an astrologer Britten LaRue author of “Unshaming the Zodiac” on a recent episode of “The Astrology Podcast”. She said “I am not responsible for even my own children’s inner children”. Around this Mercury conjunct Chiron we would do well to remember to be a little more gentle with our thoughts towards ourselves and our communications towards others because folks may be feeling sensitive. This is especially true if you have any signs around 18 degrees and 18min of the sign of Aries or another Cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn).

It is kinda nice that the next day we have the Sun sextiling Pluto which gives us a deep sense of internalized transformation. This might be a bit of a salve on whatever happened for you in the preceding days. 

That same day Venus also comes together with Saturn in the sign of Pisces and we might be able to find the boundaries around our values and self-love or our relationships that we have been needing for awhile. Since the planets are in Pisces, these boundaries may look creative or a bit flexible but it is a good start!

On Friday Mars AND Saturn will both be in the sign of Pisces. They won’t be conjunct exactly, but they will share the same sign, so tensions may flare a bit and simultaneously, you may feel like you are working hard and getting no where. Again, be gentle on yourself in particular on Friday. You won’t feel like taking a break but you probably should. Look out for passive aggressiveness as well.

On Sunday we get a bit of a reprieve again as Venus sextiles Jupiter. You may walk by a mirror and out of nowhere be like “well hot damn who dat be?!” or get random compliments. You may also be able to expand on what you find truly valuable to you in this life.

THEN we BEGIN (insert purple devil face emoji). that’s right folks, starting on Monday the 25th we have an Eclipse! It will kick off our eclipse season with a bang, since the eclipsed Sun will be in the fiery sign of Aries. That means feelings may be of an inflammatory nature.

Where is Aries in your chart? That’s the spot that’s gunna get some downloads over the next four weeks or so. Remember the job is to FEEL not DO. What is coming up for you? What needs to be released? It’s a moon transit, so we don’t need to get heady about it. Disengage your mind and try to bring your body online. For some of us this will be harder than it is for others but the work will be well worth it. If you want techniques on how to tap into your body for you specifically, it has a lot to do with where the moon is placed and how it is aspected in your birth chart. If you need help with finding that this eclipse season, book a reading and we will work it out!

Mercury will be retrograding in the sign of Aries on April 1st but these two weeks before that happens can have blips here and there of Mercury Retrograde type feelings. We will talk more about that later. Think of these couple weeks as a way to test out what might come up during the retrograde. Take a note of what themes are present for you. Keep in mind that all this is intensified because it overlaps with our Aries Eclipse.


***Retrograde shadow or “Mercury Retro-Shade” is when a planet is starting to enter the orbit that it will retrace on the back end of the retrograde before it goes direct.


3/25-4/1/2024 eclipse and Mercury Retrograde lets go…inside


3/11-17/24 Weekly horoscope/galactic nurse boogy-scope