3/25-4/1/2024 eclipse and Mercury Retrograde lets go…inside

More than a couple of ya’ll have called my attention to how big the Moon has been Many others of you have told me about stories of of yourselves or loved ones having a heightened sense of intuition and not realizing why. Well that all tracks because we just officially started eclipse season!

Early this morning 12/25 at around midnight, we had an eclipse in Libra. Libra is an interdependent sign that is ruled by Venus which is a relational sign the sign opposite to Libra is Aries so this eclipse season may bring about tensions between your independence vs interdependence. This is just the beginning, as the energies of an eclipse unfold over the subsequent 6 months.

We also have Chiron opposite the Moon and Saturn conjunct Venus during this eclipse; which might make us feel a little more lonely than usual or that we have to work too hard for others love and affection. It could also cause us to get very emotional about things that trigger wounding we experienced in childhood or earlier in life.

I was in a Navajo community during the eclipse last October and they warned me not to watch the eclipse. I happened to be along the “path of totality”. People came from all over the world to watch it. The older generation of Navajo stayed inside, but I noticed some of the younger Navajo watching so I took a peak. I will NEVER do that again. The energies my friend and I experienced were very impactful and lasted for many months. I will not go into it here, but feel free to ask if you are curious.

Don’t worry if you’ve already been “under the glow” and didn’t realize it’s power. It was probably calling you in for some reason. Just be sure to fortify yourself for anything that comes up by doing some good introspection and self reflection.

On and around the 28th at 6:58 am get ready for Venus in Pisces, a sign it feels extra pretty in, to give you some unexpected little lovely moments. Venus sextile Uranus is ripe for “meet cutes” and fun flirtations interactions, romantic or platonic. You could also get some quick beneficial information with regards to finances or other things of value.

All this being said though, the energies of the eclipse and Mercury Retrograde will be at play still. Since this is the case, Venus sextile Uranus might not be AS frisky as it could be without all the other heaviness.

Astrology links us with the seasons.

As we enter this eclipse season, take some time to look at the shift in the quality of light outside. Personally, every eclipse season, I notice a more orangish hue to the afternoon Sun. What do you all notice?

…“There are no reasons so mighty that they could override the desire to be in accord with the tides and the passage of seasons and the rhythms underlying everything around me.” -Jeff Vendermeer

Did you know that the study of astrology gives us a unique ability to live in accordance with the changes on our planet and beyond?

The Zodiac signs each correspond to different seasons and the energies of the planets act differently depending on which season they are associated with. For example maybe your Mercury (planet of communication) is in the sign of Aries. Aries is an action oriented planet and can even have aggressive energies at times. it is associated with spring time and kicking things off, getting us off our butts and into gear without thinking much about the future. We need this initiatory energy at this time of year. People with this placement may have a direct and somewhat harsh communication style, but this style has a way of drawing us to the things we need to focus on RIGHT NOW!

The Zodiac in general just keeps us in tune with the seasons more. It is important to take a beat and reflect on that when we notice a change in our environment. What has changed with the season? What does: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter mean TO YOU? What does it FEEL like. See if it checks out with the significations of the Zodiac signs.

After you know more about the planets, see how they function in each season. Then you can see how they work in your particular chart.

We used to be more at the mercy of nature, so we had to pay more attention to the changes, but I think it is important to find subtle ways to acknowledge nature even now. It’s not going anywhere, and acknowledging how it moves and changes can help us make wiser decisions for ourselves and future generations.


4/1 - 7/2024 Firey fantasy love and some more confusion
