4/1 - 7/2024 Firey fantasy love and some more confusion

If you have access to your birth chart, now would be a great time to find out what house (area of your life) the sign of Aries is in. Mercury will be retrograding in this house. It will also meet up with Venus later in the week AND next week’s solar eclipse will be in Aries as well. We will all be feeling the collective energies, of drive and motivation maybe tinged with a little selfishness and egoism. So press on and be fearless with new opportunities that come your way, just make sure you double check everything since Mercury is retrograde now. Also remember that you will probably be pushed to release something in your life as we come into the eclipse next week if you haven’t already. If you want to know exactly where all this is playing out for you and how it could affect the next 6 months, book a reading with me on my website.

Yes friends the day you have been waiting for has finally arrived! Mercury Retrograde. Today (4/1) Mercury will station retrograde in the sign of Aries until the end of the month. Next week it will add to the confusion and chaos as it meets up with the Sun and Moon ALSO in Aries for a very testy total solar eclipse. In fact this will be the first total eclipse to be seen in the US and part of Mexico in 6 years!

On Wednesday the collective energy of illusions, and romantic fantasies may come into play. If you meet someone new (platonic or romantic) you may build up a story about how great they are in your head that doesn’t really match the reality of who they actually are. That being said, you may also have a beutiful magical day with a friend or lover and just leave it at that. If you are partnered, its a good day for creative play. All this is because Venus and Neptune meet up in the sign of Pisces. The next day Venus moves into Aries though so things could get a little spicy one way or another. It remains to be seen if it turns out spicy fun or spicy in a challenging way.

Venus Sextile Pluto 4/6: This last transit of the week could have you synthesizing the information you got earlier in the week. Whatever you learned from the other transits will have an affect on your values going forward and it may feel easier to lean into things that were previously a little scary for you or made you feel existential dread.

On the world stage let’s keep in mind that this is the most astrologically active month of the year and has a lot of energy in the fire sign of Aries so there might be some highly volatile information or actions that surface politically. It’s a good time to make sure you don’t just act immediately on your first and strongest impulses. Hopefully our world leaders will also take this advice.

Side note: there will also be a visible comet this month adding to the mix. Let’s see how that affects things shall we!?


A Spicy Eclipse Horoscope 4/8-14/24


3/25-4/1/2024 eclipse and Mercury Retrograde lets go…inside