A Spicy Eclipse Horoscope 4/8-14/24

The 8th gave us a solar eclipse in the sign of Aries that was also conjunct Chiron, coupled with a Mercury retrograde in Aries! Not to mention that a couple days later on the 10th we had Saturn get right up next to Mars which is never really a good look (Saturn conjunct Mars).

So what does this all mean? Eclipses are big energy Moon transits, so they bring things to the surface so that we can evolve from them emotionally. Sometimes that can be through something physical. This is particularly the case this time since this eclipse is in Aries with a lot of other planets also in the same sign and Aries is all about the body. This emotional evolution may be through some kind of bodily transformation for some of you. Meaning, you may have a shift in your physical form that affects you emotionally. For example, leading up to the eclipse, I had all these random ankle problems out of nowhere. It was getting me down emotionally because I had to slow down physically. There are a lot of other ways this can show up of course and it may not have anything to do with what you experience on a physical level but, emotions will be high for everyone wether that’s high and beneficial or high and challenging remains to be seen. Report back!

Even if this energy isn’t hitting your chart directly, you are most likely going to interface with folks who do have it hitting their charts directly so tread lightly.

If ya’ll didn’t remember, we are also in a Mercury retrograde until the 25th of April when it will station direct again and for those of you who are rolling your eyes like “Mercury is ALWAYS retrograde” you are not wrong because it happens about four times a year. HOWEVER not all Mercury retrogrades are created equal! This one is particularly spicy because of all the planets in Aries as well as the eclipse being there. Unless you were born on a Mercury retrograde, in which case people may finally understand you better, don’t try and sort through anything during this time. When sh*t comes up, simply sigh deeply and keep it moving. The one exception to this might be Thursday the 11th.

On Thursday (when this is coming out to y’all). There will be a Mercury Cazimi. This is when the Sun is conjunct or in the same degrees as Mercury. It is an especially potent time for communication and dispensing information in general. It is a time when we can be seen for who we truly are and others are receptive to it.

I heard on KPFA’s “Voices of the Middle East and North Africa” today that some more members of Congress are starting to call for a cease-fire. I am skeptical that it has anything to do with more than the fact it is getting closer to elections, but they mentioned that even Nancy Pelosi was considering supporting it. This is shocking since she recently wanted to launch an FBI probe into protesters calling for a cease-fire. Like I said, it is probably just due to the upcoming election, but it is not lost on me that things are being illuminated for the masses during this Mercury cazimi.

Ok so I had to take some time to practice what I preach and stay “in my feels” during all the wacky eclipse energy etc. which is why this is coming out after the beginning of the week. It also helped me conceptualize a better way to get this information to you all. Instead of just churning it out, I will be focusing the release of the horoscopes on and around significant days astrologically instead of being all capitalist about it and making it a set day every week.

Below you will find a couple pictures a client of mine took of the eclipse. They live on the path of totality. Really beautiful pictures! Whatever your beliefs are around viewing the eclipse, just know that it is a powerful energy and you should make sure you have strong support systems internally and externally in place. Whatever your practice is around viewing the eclipse or not, make sure you know why you are doing it. Also, each year has about two eclipse seasons so you get another chance to try a different approach in about 6 months! Remember, whatever comes up for you on and around this eclipse will unfold over the next six months.

Next week has a lot going on including, but not limited to, a Sun square Pluto and some interesting Jupiter transits, so stay tuned and until then …

  • use wisely the stars you were dealt

Eclipse in Arkansas


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