Eclipse Hangover is Not Taking it Easy on Us! 4/15-21 Horoscope

****This is a general horoscope it may or may not hit your chart exactly. If you don't have the tools yourself, schedule a reading to see if and how it does.


In this Horoscope: Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries and 4 transits in one day on Friday: Sun moves into Taurus (Taurus season), Mars sextile Jupiter and sextile Uranus, a Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus, a Venus Chiron conjunction, and a Sun squared Pluto, and some musings about the state of our world as it relates to the planets including our current political climate and how we can tend to our nervous systems through it. Also I will be playing at a co-creative event the following week and the details are below if you are interested.

First off let’s clear the air, if you came here for correct spelling and grammar you came to the wrong place. Who can be bothered in a world where the future leaders are speaking in acronyms?!

So I decided to have this horoscope come out today 4/15 for some extra support around the Mercury conjunct Chiron happening today. This transit can have us feeling a bit demoralized. This is because the asteroid Chiron (some call it a planet but it doesn’t really qualify) is about healing from old trauma which is usually not pretty and can often be a painful process. Mercury has to do with our thinking and communication and it is in the sign of Aries today. So we may keep feeling antsy like we want to say or do something right away or our thinking might just feel erratic. At the same time Chiron is telling us to hurry up and start healing wether we are ready or not. So seize the opportunities that come up to do so today, but maybe break them up into smaller more manageable chunks and try not to involve too many people besides yourself unless absolutely necessary.

Unless you live to be over 200 years old most of us will not experience our Pluto return. However, nations CAN experience this. For more on humans living in Plutonian years, check out this blog post.

A planet’s “return” is when that planet comes back to the exact degrees it was in at the time of your birth. Energetically it is a time when a human or entity, in this case our US nation, has to deal with the existential skeletons in its closet. The issues the nation hasn’t dealt with that feel like life and death to it, and could in fact cause exactly that in order for the entity to transform, will resurface. In the case of the United States that has to do with it’s founding in 1776 upon slaughter of indigenous people and forcing enslaved Africans to build the country to the bountiful nation it is today while demonizing new immigrants.

Pluto is currently in the sign of Aquarius and the US had it’s Pluto return in Capricorn in 2022. How “convenient” is it that it will now be dipping back into the sign of Capricorn right around the US elections before re-entering Aquarius for about the next 20 years or so. The time is ripe for big changes and it would make sense that the old guard political structures may try and double down before the end of this Pluto in Capricorn cycle. What this means for the rest of us remains to be seen but there are a lot of explosive/revolutionary astrological energies afoot currently and we do not yet know how it will turn out except that large scale and long lasting change that may be explosive in nature is highly possible.

It is important during times like these to remember that these are all evolutionary processes for us as humans. They are not things to fear. There is no amount of prepping or running away that can prepare us for these levels of change. The only thing we can do is go within and fortify our inner world while tending to our communities immediate needs.

The fiery Aries eclipse that featured a Chiron square and shortly after a Mars conjunct Saturn, was a way of calling us to start this process. I felt so agitated all day and literally had people trying to fight me in the street and at my place of work. It took me consciously checking in on when and how to engage every minute of the day to make it through it. I need to remind you all that I work at a county hospital, so if there is agitated energy, we usually feel it in some way. I also had to check in with my resources and my friendships and I hope you all are gathering those around you as well. We aren’t getting through this any other way than all together.

The heavy hitter for this week is Friday since we have FOUR transits on that one day! Pant, cough, sigh… . Thankfully there is some support with these around working through whatever came up for you at the beginning of the week. The Sun will be moving into Taurus which can be a bit of a welcome break from the go go go of Aries as we ground into the material things we value in life and take care of ourselves and others in a more nourishing way. Of course it can also mean we get a little stubborn collectively or even on a world stage. Venus and Mars are still in Aries and will be conjunct. Venus is the planet that rules Taurus, so it might just mean more energy to start to tend to the things we value most or maybe just get some flirty sexy time in. Since it is conjunct Mercury in Aries it might mean that you distilled some information from Monday’s Mercury conjunct Chiron that you can now put in practice in a more tangible way around the things you value in life. Take a minute to think about what those things are for you. Maybe even write them down as Mercury supports the writing process.

The last two transits are Mars sextiling BOTH Uranus AND Jupiter which lends itself to explosive change. Lets see what happens both interpersonally, collectively, and on the world stage shall we? Jupiter is traditionally what we call a “benefice” planet or a planet of good fortune. This is tricky however because planetary energies do not discriminate, they are just energies like gravity is an energy. So one person’s good fortune could be another’s ill fortune. Just something to keep in mind as we approach these transits.

There is a lot of big generational/political astrology this week. That is mostly because when the outer planets come together it doesn’t happen very often and they tend to correlate to longer standing changes that take time to play out and can define generations of people. That is because these planets are slower moving. On Saturday 4/20 Jupiter and Uranus come together in a conjunction in the sign of Taurus. You will probably hear a lot of astrologers talk about this and probably already have been hearing this. Many astrologers are talking about how the last time the zodiac sign of Taurus had a conjunction between the outer planets Jupiter and Uranus we had WWII. One cannot argue with the fact that we are in challenging times, but the energies rarely play out in EXACTLY the same way and that transit could have just as easily lead to world peace. This is because Uranus governs quick changes and Jupiter governs spread and some say good luck. This can pan out in a lot of different scenarios. Also, at the end of WWII some believed that we had marked shifts in how we viewed ourselves and others as well as a bump in industry which was better for some than others. Astrology is always a mixed bag.

In general I would lay low on Sunday the 21st if at all possible because Friday and Saturday were heavy and also Sunday does not let up as we have a Sun square Pluto and a Venus conjunct Chiron. This means that you will probably be asked to go even deeper with some of the issues that came up for you during the week. Since they will probably hit key points about our identity and the things we hold dear because the Sun is involved. No need to poke the bear with this one! Just take it slow and maybe just lay on the couch most of the day then take the doggies/kiddos or a ferret for a 20min walk around the block. It could also be a good day to read a thought provoking book and journal about it. If you can’t help that you have a lot going on this week (this often happens) just schedule small check ins with yourself. They can be minutes, to remind yourself that there is a lot of intense energy floating around.

If you want to know some of this stuff further in advance as well as how it will personally affect you that’s what I’m here for :). Book reading :))

Nurze Boogz News: For those of you interested in my music I will be performing some new songs for a “Sip n Paint” event thrown by Creative Impact Collective in Berkeley on the 25th! This is the day that Mercury will station retrograde so maybe ya’ll will be able to “pick up what I put down” more easily :) . CLICK HERE to purchase tickets and the flyer is below. See ya’ll there so we can co-create during these wild transits!


Scorpio Full Moon does us dirty but mercury has our back!


A Spicy Eclipse Horoscope 4/8-14/24