Scorpio Full Moon does us dirty but mercury has our back!
Has anyone noticed their dreams since the 8th of March steadily getting more heavy? If so that is likely because your chart was activated in some way by the Solar Eclipse in Aries that is also leading us all towards the Scorpio full Moon we have tomorrow 4/23 at 4:48pm PST. However, let’s be real, the eclipse and all the accompanying transits associated with it which include, but are not limited to, a Mercury retrograde and a bunch of planets in Aries, probably activated almost all of our charts in some meaningful way.
Also, over this past weekend we had a Sun in Taurus squaring the planet Pluto in Aquarius. Not to mention that this Scorpio Full Moon is in a T-square with Pluto! Basically this all means that we are being called to release something BIG! Both personally and collectively. Something that may not be easy to let go of.
Scorpio, amongst other things, governs release of all kinds from pooping to orgasms. The planet Pluto makes everything we are going through feel like life or death, even if it’s not really that big of a deal from the outside looking in. So LET GO OF THAT SH*T trust and BELIEVE you will feel much better after…though it might feel like ACTUAL sh*t during the process.
The moon in Scorpio wants us to run away with our emotions and FEEL. Make sure you have a stop mechanism in place though so you don’t spiral out of control. Schedule a reading if you want some help with what that might look like for you based on your chart and also make sure you have that therapist’s appointment scheduled this week! Regardless, report back!! I’d love to hear about it!
Pluto transits get us into our fight or flight mentality around deep seeded issues in our subconscious. They also have to do with how power is showing up in our lives. I tend to have heavier dreams around Pluto transits as well. All this to say that the time is ripe for some freaky dreaming. If anyone is interested in dream analysis and also more historical and philosophical content about the eclipse we just had, check out this episode of This Jungian Life. It is very Euro-centric but really good, and the dream analysis at the end is quite fascinating. They also have a “Dream School” if anyone is interested.
The other thing that is happening this week is Mercury is stationing direct on Thursday the 25th! So it’s actually a good time to have some wacky dreams before hand. This is because all the information that has bubbled up from your subconscious over the last month or so may suddenly have a little more clarity. At the very least your verbal and written communication may get a bit more streamlined. You also might be less inclined to confusion and negative self talk in general. Once again, depending on how it all hits your chart.
It just so happens that I will be playing a 45 min set of my new music on that same day for a “Sip n Paint” event in Berkeley. For those of you who aren’t wine drinkers, there will be a lot of food as well. Come through and listen to some tunes while you paint a new tote bag, canvass, or t-shirt! It would also be a very cute first date for those of you swiping right this week! The flyer is below:
- 45 min set with Nurse Boogz and polyamorous band members from The Helltones while you eat, drink, and paint for Mercury stationing direct!
…hopefully that means you all will understand my lyrics…even the ones in Portuguêse. But remember, we still have a couple weeks of the “retroshade” which is basically a Mercury retrograde hangover.
Then lastly, on Sunday the 27th we have Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces. So you might get right back to a little confusion with this transit. It may also have you fantasizing about someone or some situation and taking action on something around it before sufficiently thinking things through.
In the world it can also be a time when we double down on political populism or spirituality/religiosity in general. Be careful of following the guidance of any bright shiny objects and people. INCLUDING this here little astrologer! So try to take things that come up on and around this date with a grain of salt.
If anyone wants to see how all the Uranian transits panned out for my chart and learn about my experience at the Medium event in Portland last weekend click HERE. Oregon is such a trippy place. Founded by the Klan on stolen lands and today often resembling the Jordan Peel movie “Get Out”. It is a place where you can get a contact high from of meth amphetamines just walking down the boulevard (if that’s your thing) but it is a vegan dog lovers paradise and full of so much natural beauty and actually some really cool quirky folks. Not to mention one of the best bookstores ON EARTH Powell’s Books! This is why I keep going back!
As an aside, if any of you all are aspiring writers, I encourage you to check out the social media platform for writers called Medium. It has been a game changer for me and doesn’t give you the “ick” you sometimes get from scrolling on traditional “troll-y” and visually focused platforms.
Stay Scorpionically emo my friends and remember
- Use wisely the stars you were dealt ;)