Relationships, Self-Care, Regressive Legislation and Baby Reindeer Horoscope

So how did Sunday the 28th’s Mars conjunct Neptune treat ya’ll? Did you feel tired? Aimless? Idealizing a partner or some other kind of relationship or situation that in reality isn’t all it’s cracked up to be? Or did it give you a little creative boost? Maybe somewhere in between?

On Monday Venus moves into Taurus and immediately the next day squares Pluto. So enjoy the sweetness that may show up in your relationships or any extra money or material value that might come your way today (Monday). You might also just have a really nurturing self care day. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus so let your sensual pleasures take you away.

Once Venus squares Pluto on Tuesday you may have to deal with issues around your finances, things you value in general, relationships to others as well as your own relationship to yourself. If you have a tendency towards eating disorders or anything that connects with your physical appearance, be gentle to yourself that day and maybe stay off the visually based social media platforms or at the very least, assert some boundaries for yourself around that.

However, don’t fret dear star kin because on Friday Mars will sextile Pluto! So whatever came up for you during the Venus square Pluto on Tuesday around your values etc. will get an extra boost to be composted into something actionable by Friday. Something that can help move you forward in terms of how you view tricky reoccurring life situations/trauma. By these types of situations I mean those in which we feel like something is life and death but really it is no where near that. An example could be that we feel like going to work at a place that doesn’t feel like a good fit and we somehow make it seem like if we don’t make drastic choices about it RIGHT NOW it could be the only chance we get. In reality there are always multiple options for any and all difficult choices and situations in life. This transit will help you see those other, less inflammatory, choices and act accordingly. All that being said, there are actually very real life or death situations happening all over the world and if you are experiencing something like this, fast action on immediate impulse may be what you need in that moment.

Political Corner:

We are seeing the last vestiges of the old guard power structure throw a temper tantrum as Pluto gets ready to move more permanently into Aquarius from Capricorn. How is this showing up? Congress approves a 95 billion dollar package to Ukraine that includes weapons and aid to Israel. The next day Congress Woman Ilhan Omar questioned Columbia University’s treatment of students protesting the War in Gaza and the day after that her daughter was suspended from the university. Universities have also been canceling commencement speeches of people they feel will be talking about the US/Israeli war in Gaza.

Pluto in Capricorn is all about the destruction of whatever it takes to maintain the status quo. It is currently in Aquarius but it has been bouncing back and forth from Capricorn to Aquarius for some time now and this week will start its retrograde journey back into Capricorn right around the US presidential elections after which time it will go into Aquarius for the next 20yrs!

When a planet is at the last degrees of a sign it pushes hard to accomplish its agenda so to speak. When it is at the beginning degrees of a sign it has a lot of energy to accomplish its agenda energetically and more time to do so. Pluto in Aquarius wants necessary change to happen fast! We can see this as students across the US and other places in the world are building encampments to protest their tuition money going towards support for the war. We have also seen at least one instance where police in Boston left the site of an encampment without making any arrests and hopefully this happens more. Aaron Bushnell’s fast and shocking protest can also be seen through the lens of Pluto’s activity in the sign of Aquarius. We can also see the last vestiges of Pluto in Capricorn with the regressive abortion legislation that was just passed in Idaho.

Culture Corner:

For those of you interested in some amazing writing, now that Mercury has gone direct and communications of all kinds should be flowing well-ish, check out the Netflix series “Baby Reindeer”. The lead is also the writer AND it is his own personal story. I can’t think of a more profound and vulnerable way to address life’s traumas than to create something like this. It is an incredible look into the psyche of what it’s like to be masculine presenting person negatively impacted by the patriarchy; as well as how trauma can show up throughout our lives in insidious ways. It makes me want to do a reading for the writer so bad! I can only imagine what Pluto is doing in his chart!

Have a good week and remember

- Use Wisely the Stars you were Dealt


A Horoscope ripe for (Who’s) Revolution?


Scorpio Full Moon does us dirty but mercury has our back!