New Readings Available: Solar Return, Astrological Archetypal Dance Patterning, and astrologically inspired Mind Maps. There will be more information on all these eventually on my blog so stay tuned.

Some of you also know that I am an triathlete and Ironman Triathlon athlete which takes a large amount of discipline. Over the years, many people have asked me for help on their paths towards more physical health. Most of the physical starts with the mental, and astrology has been instrumental in helping me find out the way I learn best, retain information, what kinds of physical activities are best for me, and what kind of discipline I respond to best, both internally AND externally. I am now offering a Fitness Focused reading that will incorporate all these elements. Again, I will blog more about this but you can access this service any time by booking an astrology reading. I’m here to help, it’s what I love best as a Cancer Sun and Moon with a protective Leo lioness rising!


Recap: So we had a Capricorn New moon last Thursday the 11th which is generally a good time to plant some seeds though we did have Pluto which is the planet of heavy transformation wether we want it or not, sitting very close to the Sun and Moon. This means that we may have been busy trying to plant new seeds but something more pressing that we might not have been wanting to deal with was pushing us to address it. Something with very clear goals to transform us deeply even if we weren’t ready. Either way though, something is brewing that will require some hard work either emotionally, physically or both but will be worth it in the end.

Ok so this week we have the Sun sextile Neptune on Monday. The Sun is in the very grounded and material driven sign of Capricorn and Neptune is in its “domicile” or “home sign” of Pisces where it is supported in it’s imaginative wanderings. Since the aspect is a beneficial one but not a driving one per say, you might just feel a little more grounded in your day dreaming. Like you can float with an idea for a while without being taken away from your “tasks at hand”. Saturn is also sextile Venus so whatever you create may have some greater value and spring from some deeper wounded places since Chiron, the wounded healer) is also trine Venus.

On the 18th Saturn the planet of structure and follow through, will be sextiling Mercury so it may be a good day to make more concrete plans around whatever you mused about and brought out into the world in some way on Monday. This could also just be a day that you get a little more open to communication in your well substantiated relationships. This is even more of a possibility since the next day, the 19th, Mercury sextiles Jupiter expanding on whatever communication had been established over the previous days. The Moon also moves into Taurus on the 18th, which is where it is very happy, and can give us some good sensual moments. Especially surrounding self care, food, nature, etc.

BUT (you know the planets always give us a “but”) make sure you tap into some of the goodness earlier in the week because on the same day that we have that Mercury trine Jupiter early in the morning, we right away have a Venus square Neptune which can lead us into confusion about relationships and our values. I know I know, it seems like we never get a break for too long huh?!

Then to add fuel to that fire, our very identity may be challenged as Pluto comes together with Capricorn on Saturday the 20th. Though since we did some good work early on in the week hopefully, it may be in such a way that we are transformed around long standing issues and can move forward even if the process is a little painful.

So in summary: Soak up the spacey creative feels and loving up on yourself and others early in the week and shut it down come weekend time if you can. IF you don’t have that luxury based on life circumstances, just remember if you are getting triggered or pushed to do things or have conversations you are not ready for, it may be the transits. Take a step back, take some breaths and try not to engage with you’re whole being. Save that for some more favorable transits to make sense of all the muck surfaces.

Offerings Astrologer on Retainer, Mind Map, Astrological Archetypal Dance


