***As always, what part of your life that will be specifically affected by these transits is different for everyone, which is where scheduling a personal reading with a trusted astrologer comes in. My books are open for you or anyone interested in more depth. BOOK HERE

We have another full moon this week everyone. This time in Leo. It will be happening on Thursday January 25. The upshot is that it’s a full moon which for me always means a good time to shut it down. The not so great part of it is:

  1. It’s in Leo which is a sign that is ruled by the Sun and therefor VERY extra - so whatever part of your chart is ruled but Leo is going to be asking to be “seen”

  2. It is opposing the planet Pluto which is all about our survival and things that feel very life or death to us regardless of whether or not they ACTUALLY ARE life or death

  3. Pluto is at 0 degrees which means these existential feelings will have extra potency.

So what does this all mean? Namely, that on or around this Thursday if and when you start to have existential dread-type feelings set in, breathe, take a step back and DO NOT engage others in your drama (as much as Leo may want you to do that). Hopefully you will be able to take a moment and think “oh that’s just the transit”. Sit with the feelings, notice how long it takes for them to pass. Maybe journal about it, write an ugly DM to someone that you will never send them (make sure you write it slowly because that “send” button is just a little bit too accessible for our eager thumbs at times).

Mercury Planet of Communication Squares Chiron (1/26) then Joins Mars - Planet of Aggression and Action (1/27):

The beginning of this weekend, after all that full moon mess that will be lurking still, you may be involved in some kind of communication that goes south in a way that triggers defenses around old wounds formed in childhood. Or pulled into a conversation surrounding these themes that you aren’t ready or willing to have. This might gain even more momentum the next day and lead to more of a blow out.

The Good News!…

Venus also moves into Capricorn this week on Tuesday, sextiles Saturn in Pisces on the 27th and trines Jupiter on the 28th! So if we heeded the call and worked through some of the muck that came up from Thursday through the beginning of Saturday we might be rewarded in the area of our relationships, how we feel about our physical appearance or that of others, and what we truly value in life. We also may see some beneficial trends in terms of the financial aspect of our lives.

Other Offerings:

I am compiling a playlist of songs that exhibit the mood of the song I will be releasing for streaming “Little Big Love” on February 13th. The vibe is pensive and slightly moody with a hint of romance. Great to accompany any emo astrology that may come up. Listen HERE

PS: I am looking to write horoscopes and other astrological writings for publications. If anyone has any information on this please email me.


Double Water Moment
