Hello lovely humanoids! So I have heard from a few of ya’ll that you really enjoy these horoscopes which is so nice to hear because every week I send them into the void like “welp hope this one doesn’t make em unsubscribe”. So thank you and feel free to send me an email or text if you appreciate them! I would also love to hear what kinds of insights they spark in you so don’t be shy!

Yesterday was a Sun square Neptune that was probably confusing and tiring for those of you who’s chart it hit. Even if other aspects in your chart allowed you to be productive, you probably felt a little tired and foggy overall.

Today 01/09/2024 my friends is a new day! Today we have a beautiful Sun trine Uranus and a Mars sextile Saturn! All three planets except one are in earth signs which means it’s a great day for grounding in something new that can be worked over to produce results over the long haul. What area of your life that would be in depends on what part of your birth chart it hits. You may have some new insights that take you in different direction than you realized and wind up being lucrative over the long term.

Thursday the 11th we have a sweet little reflective Venus trine Chiron. Chiron is an asteroid and has to do with the core wounding that we experienced early on and stays with us in life, but can also wind up being our biggest asset later on after some life experience. Venus is our values and aesthetic and all things femme. So since this is a beneficial aspect, it means we have an opportunity to make some strides with regards to how we feel about our physical appearance and material values. Maybe we get some insight into why we have that core wound and are able to do some repair around it. We also have a New Moon in Capricorn which is a wonderful sign for the New Moon to be in to plant some seeds. Why not capitalize on the Venus Chiron aspect make these seeds about valuing yourself and others!

Then after we’ve done some core work we can make some good use of the energy of Mars trine Jupiter on Friday! Both are in earth signs again so we can really get into it. Mars wants us to get out there and work with whatever we’ve uncovered in a concrete action step, and Jupiter helps spread that “new you”. So don’t be scared to get out in the world! That being said, if other transits that are hitting your personal chart are making you feel a bit wonky don't force anything, Jupiter can “spread” bad sh*t too, like illness etc. It doesn’t discriminate.




weekly horoscope (Galactic nurse boogy-scope) 01/01-07/2023