weekly horoscope (Galactic nurse boogy-scope) 01/01-07/2023

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! If you’re into the arbitrary Calendric date of January 1st. It’s close enough to the Winter Solstice to make it feel like it’s worth celebrating. Plus it’s one of the few times we don’t have a religious overlay to the holiday so why not.

Recap: How did last week turn out? Heavy confusion, day dreaming, random acts of unfocused aggression, imaginative play, maybe cos-play even, beautiful family moments intermixed with fatigue at having to be present for too many things with Neptune calling you to be in la la land instead? Sound about right? Venus did have a shining moment of glory on the 25th though so hopefully Anglo-Saxon Christmas (for those who celebrate) turned out peachy!

This week, as I’m sure you already know, is also going to be a mixed bag. We have another Monday bright spot as Mercury, the planet of communication, stations direct. So anything that has come up for you around communication involving more concrete high spiritual or educational endeavors since December 12th may feel like it has fallen into place. HOWEVER, before all THAT happens, Venus in Sagittarius will be squaring Saturn in Pisces. Meaning, the otherwise beneficial aspects of love, things we value like money and other material wealth aren’t going to have such an easy time of it today. I, for one, am feeling it even now as I write this blog. It feels a bit like pulling teeth. Saturn wants us to put in the work. So it might feel like a day where we have to work a little harder for the things we love. Just remember the energies of Saturn eventually reward us if we put in the work. Then again you could also just spend hours in processing types of conversations with a dear friend!

Also this week on Thursday, Mars moves into Capricorn. Mars does well in the Saturn ruled sign of Capricorn so wherever in your chart you have Capricorn may get a boost. You might all of a sudden have the energy to accomplish something you have been waiting a long time to get done.

We round out the week with some more challenging energies as the Sun in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries. So we might be retriggered by old deep wounds on this day and that might be more of an internal process. Try not to take anything too personally on and around this date and instead try holding up the feelings that arise objectively. Maybe stay off social media or take a break this weekend for a good cry and self reflection on a sordid past. You’ve probably had too much family and friend together time as it is. Cancel plans by saying “I feel off” and meditate instead. Bend the truth a little if it helps to solidify your solitude.

***Mileage may vary depending on if and how any of the transits hit YOUR chart or those around you specifically. Schedule a consult with me to find out more click here




horoscope 12/25 - 31 Galactic nurseboogy-scope