horoscope 12/25 - 31 Galactic nurseboogy-scope

Hello Galactic Star Elves! How did the holiday festivities of last week and beginning of this week treat-cha?

Retrospectively, for those who celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December, the astrology may have given you a little boost for a minute if your chart hit the transit of the day which was a Venus trine to Neptune. Venus is still in Scorpio so there may have been some deeper ease filled conversations about subjects that aren’t always brought up but need to be. Hope you didn’t look for “solutions” per say, because Neptune keeps us a bit distracted and unfocused. However, since it is a beneficial transit, we might get to the right spot in a bit of a “happy accident” kinda way. PS: my bad for not sending this on Monday per usual, but part of my business model is “when I f*cking feel like it”.

Ok on to the rest of the week! This week isn’t really great for communication in general, with Mercury making challenging aspects to the aggressive energies of Mars and the confusing energies of Neptune. However, since we have a watery Cancerian Full Moon on the 26th it might be a good time to avoid folks and concentrate on mothering ourselves this week if at all possible. Not a good week to rely too heavily on others.

Hope you got it all in yesterday 12/25 in terms expecting a little bit of clarity and perspective because today 12/26 is ripe for miscommunication, confusion, and distraction as Mercury Retrograde squares Neptune, the boundary-less planet of miscommunication and creativity. Conversely, you could also just experience this transit as a general absentmindedness and an inability to communicate clearly what you are trying to get across. So far that’s how it’s showing up for me and I hope that is all that is needed to “pay the planets” for the day.

Mercury and Mars come together on Wednesday, leaving the stage ripe for aggressive communication styles and inflammatory reactivity. So hold off on bringing up any touchy subjects around this time or the next day, 12/28, as Neptune, having just squared Mercury Retrograde, now squares the aggressive Martian energies. This is doubly important as Mars is in the, hit it and quit it, mutable fires of Sagittarius, a sign that isn’t big on repair but is really big on getting whatever needs to get out OUT without a lot of regard for repercussions as a result of its actions. This happens in the afternoon around 2pm PST. Later in the evening around 10pm Venus makes a beneficial aspect to Pluto the planet of deep transformation wether we like it or not. So this might be a good time to process internally whatever came up for us during the Full Moon in Cancer and let us make deep internal, lasting changes because if we don’t Pluto may make this happen for us regardless and not necessarily in the most tactful way.

Ok so after all that, there is a bright light on Friday as we have Jupiter stationing direct still in the sign of Taurus. This bodes well for us applying and spreading any knowledge that came up for us throughout the week. This is specifically well stared if we came up with anything that is deep and spiritual in nature or furthers our education in some way. Since Taurus is a comfortable, esthetic, and material sign, maybe you are able to take this information and use it to create some cozy art in your home in some way or reassess your values.

We will unpack more next week but Mercury stations direct (no longer retrograde) on January 1st! Yeeeee-ish!

***Mileage may vary depending on if and how any of the transits hit YOUR chart or those around you specifically. Schedule a consult with me to find out more click here


weekly horoscope (Galactic nurse boogy-scope) 01/01-07/2023


Horoscope 12/18 -24