Horoscope 12/18 -24

Well hello again everyone :). So this week has a decent amount of bright lights which is helpful for those who celebrate holiday’s happening this week that involve the often not so warm and cozy family gatherings. Those of you who have perfect families good for you, and when are you inviting me to dinner?

Lets get the sticky part over with first, because you know me, and I like to prepare for the worst and expect the best: Here’s what you need to know about the Venus opposite Uranus on the 20th. Basically, they are both in fixed signs, so whatever comes up has the ability to be worked through willingly and maybe for the duration. However, Uranus is a fast acting energy and deals with flashes of insight and quick changes that aren’t always very comfortable for us. Since it is in a fixed sign of Taurus, restlessness may be a theme today. Also Venus is in a sign it is not very comfortable in (Scorpio). A sign that drags the beauty and aesthetic that Venus themes want us to look at, through the mud. So if you feel weird about your body or anyone elses, or you aren’t happy with your finances or anything else of high value in your life, or diplomacy quickly takes a turn for the “not so great” don’t worry, the transit is a quick one usually. Just be careful how much you engage with whatever or whoever comes up so you don’t drag out whatever surfaces.

Ok now on to the good stuff! Today, 12/18 we have a Mercury trine Jupiter which I am hoping allows ya’ll to receive this information in the way it was intended: for self reflection and reflection on how we can do better in the world. Mercury is in the methodical hard working energy of Capricorn and Jupiter is in the hard headed but determined sign of Taurus. Today communication may feel like it reaches a wider audience than anticipated and, like anything in astrology, can lead to intended or unintended consequences so be careful what you put out there just know that generally speaking, things are more likely than not to be well received because a trine is a free flowing and beneficial energy. In addition, sometimes with trines we have to push a little in one direction or another to actually FEEL the energy, otherwise it can just pass like “oh the day felt a little ease filled and sweet”. It’s up to you how you use it.

Then on the 21st Mercury sextiles Saturn so since Mercury is in Saturn’s sign of Capricorn, this bodes well for us really being able to work through some conversations that need to be had. All in all these transits are great for the start of Capricorn season! As a gift to ya’ll anyone with two or more planets in Capricorn gets a free reading from me this month. Go ahead and book by clicking here .

Now we also have what is called a Mercury Cazimi on 12/22 which is when the Sun (planet of identity and life purpose) comes together with Mercury (planet of verbal and written communication and identity expressed through such). This can also be a supercharged time when what we are trying to communicate to the world actually is understood so let’s embrace that. In addition, maybe on the world stage we will get a bit more clarity into current situations.

On Sunday the Sun sextiles Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius trines the North Node in Aries. Since the North Node is about increase and it is in Mar’s sign of Aries we may see an amping up of some of the Martian qualities like agression, action without much forethought/consideration of consequences etc. I don’t like how this looks for the world at large, but maybe it will give you a little get up and go in your personal life around issues that just need to be tackled one way or another. Just try and be as gentle as you can. We are all usually going through something.

PS: if anyone finds some weird internet glitch when they click on any links here or on my page when they are signing up I will give you 10% off your first reading as a thank you. I am but a wee black femme owned business and I need all the support I can get. Thank you :)

PPS: I recently found out that Pharrell, who I used to love as an artist, supported a fundraiser a couple years ago for the Israeli Defense Fund (IDF or the Israeli military) in which he helped them earn another 60 million dollars on top of the 3.8 Billion our country already gives them every year from our tax dollars (so we are all responsible). I was very upset because earlier this year I had a recital in which I played the song and had a chorus of children behind me singing along and it was one of the brightest moments in my year. I almost cried. Now I’m crying for other reasons and my art is my healing, so I chose to rewrite the lyrics and perform it for a show I was doing later last week instead of my regularly scheduled programing. If anyone wants the lyrics here they are. In addition, if anyone wants to discuss any of this further, NO MATTER WHAT YOUR VIEWS ARE, please get in touch. I am all about uncomfortable conversations and I love you all and I mean that wether I know you personally or not there is a core in all of us that is and always will be one.

We Ain’t Happy

Now it might seem crazy what I’m bout to say

It was mostly children killed in 60 days

By the IDF if you don’t know their name

Netanyahu where’s your humanity?

Caus we ain’t happy

Clap along if you feel Israel’s a colonial state

Cause we ain’t happy

Clap along if you feel Biden supported it all the way

Cause we ain’t happy

Clap along if you know US taxes just shouldn’t pay

Caus we ain’t happy

Clap along if you know Palestine’s got a right to stay

Here comes bad news we call it MSN

Fox News has always been a mess

Truth Social only ever spit lies

Al Jazeera seems to be the one who’s wise

And we ain’t happy…(chorus repeats)


Bring us down

Can’t nothing

Bring us down

Our level’s too high


Chorus repeats twice


horoscope 12/25 - 31 Galactic nurseboogy-scope


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