“Paying” the planets

Well we are in the midst of reviewing the structures (Saturn) of our systems as we settle into Pluto (planet of creative destruction and death) moving back into Capricorn today so this terminology feels appropriate. “Paying the Planets” is term I have coined and involves observing if something challenging is happening in any given moment even something very small. Maybe that moment there is a difficult planetary transit and we can acknowledge that this small difficult thing has happened and might appease the energies that particular planetary aspect or transit requires. As long as we make sure that we don’t use it too superstitiously and tap into it’s potential just to keep us present, I have found it to be very helpful. In this way we objectively notice moment by moment what our experience is, checking in with the planets to see if they are mirroring that an experience. Maybe the brief discomfort is all that is needed to “appease” the planets and we don’t need to spiral or negatively future trip about what catastrophe may happen, and just move on.

I enjoy this technique because it also harkens back to my peasant, agrarian and afro-indigenous roots of connecting to energies we don’t fully understand through offering. In addition, it helps to reground me in more of a dhamma/dharma centered focus of life in that it keeps me present in what is happening at that exact moment.

Give it a try and let me know what you think!


248 Years old at time of death?