248 Years old at time of death?

Within the current iteration of life, most of us will experience a Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn Return. This is when the specific planet comes back to the place it was at the time of our birth. This is because each of these planets full cycles are still within the span of a “normal” human life expectancy. In this complex and often cruel world some of us may even experience our Uranus Return which takes about 84 years of life to experience.

Pluto, the furthest planet out in our solar system that we currently know of, was discovered in 1930 and it takes about 248 Earth Years to complete one cycle. The planets each have different energies that affect humans in different ways and with some overlap depending on how they are aspected (interacting with one another)

Several years ago I found an article that said we were close to being able to download our consciousness into another body once our current one deteriorated. Though I have my reservations about this idea, maybe we ARE supposed to live out our lives until our Pluto Returns. After all it IS the planet of death and transformation. What en epic ending it would be no?


no planets in a house?


“Paying” the planets