no planets in a house?

“I will die alone and my cats will eat my body”

A client of mine said this after a reading. It was in response to them not having any planets in one of their relationship houses. I know half of you are now scrambling to your charts to see if you have an empty 7th house. Let me save you the trouble by saying 1. There are way more houses involved in relationships than the 7th house alone, which is why you hire an astrologer; and 2. No house is truly empty because there is a planetary ruler that rules each sign on every house cusp. This means that the planet that rules whatever empty house you have, has an opportunity to be unobstructed in it’s function. For example you may have no planets in your 7th house, but Capricorn is the sign on the cusp of that house for you. Therefor, the planetary ruler of your 7th house is Saturn because Saturn rules the Zodiac sign of Capricorn. Since you have no planets in the sign of Capricorn it means that the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn is expressing the energies of itself without a lot of outside influence from the other planets. Which doesn’t always mean the flow is easy.

Everyone will have an empty house somewhere in their chart. That is because there are 10 planets that all astrologers generally agree on, and only 12 houses. When we have an empty house and find out the planetary ruler of that house, our astrologer will then look at where that planet shows up for us in our chart and use that information along with other interpretive data points to delineate the rest of our patterns when it comes to relationship. This is why it’s important to hire an astrologer, especially if you are inclined to read into things. Yes I’m talking to you heavy air sign placement people (Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius). Ya’ll are hyper intelligent maybe even to a fault at times. Ask me how I know (eyes roll as points thumb to own chest).

Relationships are so nuanced and deal as much with our own inner workings as they do with whomever/whatever we attract. The good news is that means we can do a lot of work on our relationships starting by turning inside ourselves. I know that this is not a new concept to most of you all, but in terms of astrology, the best places to look when we are looking at relationship first are our 7th, 10th, 4th, 5th, 11th and 8th houses. Each delineates a particular part of Self as we relate to others. For example when we look at sex for the simple act of it, we can look at the 8th house but when we look at it’s procreative capacities we look at the 5th. The 7th deals with contractual obligations of which marriage is a part etc. So all these areas have many layers.

So don’t fret on that empty house! trust me it might be the brightest spot in your stars! Let me help you find out! To book a reading click the “Book a Reading” button in the header of any of the pages of my website (including this one) and lets get started looking at your beautiful empty houses!


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248 Years old at time of death?