MARINA ASTROLOGY-Earthy Full Moon Weekly Horoscope 11/11-11/17
If you all haven’t noticed the, the Moon has been extra messing with our emotions this week. The Moon governs our emotional and embodied emotional landscape. This means it is responsible for how our emotional experience translate into our physical body. It is important to also realize that the Moon changes signs often, like every couple days, and every month we usually have a New and a Full Moon at least.
We came off of Eclipse season last month and went immediately into some difficult transits and into this month, November, where we now have TWO New Moon’s in emotional and passionate Fire and Water signs and now on Friday we have a Full Moon in what would usually be a grounding and supportive Earth sign of Taurus but instead the unpredictable planet of Uranus is right up against this Full Moon and the ruler of the Full Moon, Venus, is making some challenging aspects/transits.
Have the rains/moody weather started where you live? They have where I am and I understood the assignment. So let’s unpack!
Venus Moves into Capricorn where it wants clarification as to what the terms and conditions of your various relationships are.
Venus in Capricorn is good at compartmentalizing relationships and keeping boundaries, healthy or problematic, in your relationships.
What part of your chart is ruled by the sign of Capricorn?
Is there an emotional component to boundaries that you or those around you have set up for your relationships?
Remember that Venus is ruling the Full Moon at the end of the week, so you may feel a little emotionally constipated as a result, even though you may desperately want to be able to express those emotions.
Mercury, planet of thinking, conversation, and communication of all kinds makes a square with Saturn, planet of rule based order, structure, and boundaries
This transit happens again on the 6th and 26th of December
What are you working through in terms of how you deal with endings that are a little less clear?
How do you keep the energy up in certain parts of your life where boundaries are not clear or uncertain?
…and finally the main event, our Full Moon in the Venus ruled sign of Taurus that is opposing the Sun and conjunct (connected to) the unpredictable planet of Uranus.
Remember we are deep into the beginning of the Mars opposite Pluto that happened last week right before the US election and will be with us until January of 2025.
Mars will also be retrograde and jostling between the signs of Cancer and Leo for this year all the way until the spring of 2025.
All of this adds to the already unpredictable and potentially explosive nature of this Full Moon. Normally, the Moon enjoys being in the Sign of Taurus but there are a lot of other competing energies afoot.
How can you maintain the luxurious nature of a Full Moon in Taurus without getting bogged down by the explosive and aggressive/passive aggressive nature of the more longterm transits of our current time?
How can you escape without shirking your responsibilities to yourself and others?
Nurse Boogz Corner
Recent performance at Jimi Hendrix Park in Seattle
The Message by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Read it before it’s banned! A book to go IN! It was a difficult read but so necessary. Ta-Nehisi is so incredible at using prose to paint a picture of long standing issues that are difficult for those of us who experience them to put into words.
The Island of Sea Women
After you depress yourself with “The Message” take a break and read this beautiful book about the Haenyeo . There is also an A24 movie about them called The Last of the Sea Women. I also wrote a song that sampled one of the Haenyeos’ daughter’s voices in the beginning of it and is about the way we all are interconnected in our own survival and caring of one another. Listen Here, on whatever streaming platform you use, or download it here