Weekly Horoscope 11/18-11/24: Pluto in Aquarius for 20yrs

Great week for some deep reflections on life and spirituality as well as deep communications that can work on our core wounding.

We are also at a pivotal time when the Planet Pluto is making a shift from the sign of Capricorn firmly into the sign of Aquarius for the next 20 years!


Mercury (in it’s pre-retrograde shadow) in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini

  • Great day to let your thoughts run wild

  • Great for enjoying the moment in a BIG way

  • Great for conceptualizing grandiose big picture ideas, not so great for hashing out the details

Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

  • Your deepest most secretive bits will get a chance to express themselves creatively

  • Is there some more taboo part of your identity that you want to show in an artistic way?

  • How can you connect with others creatively on a deeper level?


Today’s the big day! Pluto moves from Capricorn into Aquarius for the next roughly 20 years!

  • We are moving from a time of traditional structure and order to a new way of life that is heavily technological

  • It remains to be seen who’s revolution these advancements will favor

  • What have we been noticing in our sociopolitical landscape?

  • Things like AI, technocrats forming ties with the government, etc are all indications of possible future paths for better or worse

  • How can we mold the technology to serve the needs of an Aquarian age? Namely to serve the many and not the few?


The Sun is in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius. Both are in their anaretic degrees which is where they have the most energy to either finish the job or start the task at hand. What these “jobs” and “tasks” are relates to the significations of the sign. For example, the sign of Aquarius is all about community and the greater good. It is individualistic in the sense that it is not a part of the status quo and will utilize unorthodox or unpopular means to bring about change for what it feels like is the betterment of all. It is a highly intelligent, innovative, and big picture sign.

  • How are you viewing the bigger picture for the version of reality and community you decided to be born into?

  • Do you think you had any agency in choosing this life?

  • What do you think society, your community, your world, all the beings in it need in order to survive and thrive?

  • Do you feel that creation comes from destruction? What does this mean for you? What are some examples in nature that you can look to?

  • How can you operate out of love and not fear as we approach potentially more challenging times ahead?

  • How can we support one another?

  • What is one thing you can do this week NO MATTER HOW SMALL to care for someone besides yourself?


Venus in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces. Relationships within power structures may be prominent this week as we get ready for a generational shift from Pluto in Capricorn into Pluto in Aquarius.

The bromance between His Orange Excellency and his cabinet picks going to watch the fight, do a little dance, and catch a flight while munching on some fast food with his bro’s is illustrative of one, all be it, not so appetizing version of how this transit pans out. And for all the ladies who have been having intrusive thoughts about their safety and wellbeing, with this new administration, just know you are seen.

  • How can you build on the relationship boundaries that you already have in order to create more flexibility in your environment?

  • How have you created structure around your creativity and how can this help you be even more creative?

  • How can you fortify your relationships to withstand the inflexible paternalistic misogynistic structures that currently exist?


Fire Sign New Moon and Mercury Retrograde Horoscope 11/25-12/01/24


MARINA ASTROLOGY-Earthy Full Moon Weekly Horoscope 11/11-11/17