MARINA ASTROLOGY-Weekly Horoscope 11/4-11/20
Neptune in Pisces
Has anyone noticed a recurring theme come up lately regarding “truth”. I have been hearing people saying on a daily basis that they do not know what is real anymore. With all the deep fakes on social media, the spread of misinformation and disinformation and just the sheer speed at which information travels at this time, we are overwhelmed as a species. Humans were not meant to process this level of information so quickly. We are adapted to care for our community and this hyper information access extends that perceived community all over the globe in a panicked and artificial way.
Saturn in Pisces will last for another year and a half or so and is marked by an extension of boundaries with our perceived reality. This is confounded by Pluto moving from the sign of Capricorn into the sign of Aquarius which will begin on the 19th of November and last for 20 years.
Pluto will not re-enter the sign of Capricorn for another 248 years! This is a pivotal time for us to learn how to wrap up our transform around Capricorn themes of: structure, patriarchy, and order and ready ourselves for decades of transforming around Aquarius themes of: intellect and systems of governance that ACTUALLY take into account the needs of everyone, equitable use of technology, and community at large.
This is not an easy time and I know you all feel it. Hang in there and know we are supported in working together towards a more equitable and inclusive common good that addresses old outdated structures and systemic ills. Roll up your sleeves and let’s DO THIS!
Thankfully this week gives us a little bit of a break from transits as we undergo an election here in the US…
Sun in Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces
You might be feeling like the deepest parts of you are able to flow more easily
It may be easier for you to come up with a method to accomplishing something that is rooted in a challenging power structure
The boundaries you have around how you engage with those who you do not completely trust may become more clear
Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces
You may want to run wild and have some fun with your resources but this may have some unintended consequences.
Being fun and flirty may be in the air but be careful you don’t put someone who isn’t worthy on a pedestal
Be weary of people or situations that look too good to be true.
Nurse Boogz Happenings:
Click Here to see a new music video I put out with a Romanian Producer. The lyrics are in Portuguêse
Let me help you…“Use wisely the stars you were dealt”