Heated ASSASSINATION Horrorscope With some Relief on the Edges 7/15-21

I want to spend some time talking about the transits in context of what happened on the 13th with the assassination attempt on Trump. Before we get into it I want to be clear that I am truly saddened by the remarks I’ve heard from people who are angered by his policies and rhetoric. I am by no means a Trump fan but hearing things like “Too bad they missed” from the same people who talk about love and acceptance of all groups of people really saddens me. The reason we are in the place we are in today as a species is because we have collectively condoned violence without any forethought or analysis of past aggressive acts. We need to stop acting out on every impulse we have and start listening to one another. I am NEVER going to say I wish someone had gotten killed. No matter WHAT they have done. Also let’s pretend for a minute that he WAS shot. That would only make is base hold him up as a martyr and who knows who else is waiting in the pipeline to use his death as a rallying cry to do even more despicable things.

The astrology of the day was notable in a way that we do not like to see. We were in the midst of a Sun in Cancer square to Chiron that we had been feeling leading up to this point and is actually exact today 7/15. Not many people know that Cancer is also a sign that is associated with nationalism. This is in the sense of being protective/defensive of your group wether that is a nation state or a cultural identifier. This is another astrological reason why what happened on the 13th may be able to successfully “rally the troops” for Trump. Particularly because of how this hits his own birth chart.

On an individual level you might be feeling some tension around how you identify to others. Particularly when it has to do with identity formations that came about in your younger years and as a result of trauma responses. The other signature that day was a Venus in Leo opposing Pluto. This transit was exact the day before but we will be feeling it through Wednesday and it was active on the 13th. It is transit that has us feeling tension between our individual pride and what is the greater good of the collective. In the sense of the assignation attempt we can look at multiple factors. 1. Trump endangered others by refusing to leave the podium at the first beckoning of the secret service 2. Tump is a figurehead of a larger MAGA movement that very much puts him at it’s center, like the Sun in it’s home sign of Leo. 3. Trump’s need to be on top, appear strong, and authoritative may actually wind up putting the greater good of humanity at risk if he grandstands too much and angers world powers that can do us harm.

The other thing happening that day was the Mars conjunct Uranus which we began feeling on the 2nd and will be with us until the 26th. This is a very unpredictable, fast acting and potentially violent energy. Mars actually governs arms, including guns and Uranus’s energy is inherently unstable, so it is not surprising that something like this happened.

I am not a Democrat OR a Republican but I want to believe we live in an ACTUAL democracy which means we can vote for people who support the interests we align with and I won’t be bullied into thinking any different. The Democrats have had several years to boost up any number of the young progressive candidates available to them, but they banked on someone who simply, is unable to do the job any differently than the status quo that has gotten us where we are thus far; and the Republicans have caved to a conman. I promise that’s the end of my astro-political rant


The good news is that through the rest of the week we will have some transits overlapping with these that are really beautiful and could lighten the load a bit. The first is a Sun sextile Uranus on the 18th at 7am PST. This transit can have us tapping into a core sense of who we are seemingly in an instant. Like a flash of light. Later that day we have a Mercury trine Chiron both in fire signs which will help us to to be able to communicate better what we need to support our healing. Particularly related to things in our lives that are triggering or traumatizing from our early life experience. We also may just have more healthy thought patterns around these themes.

On Saturday we have a Mars sextile Neptune. This is a beautiful transit for helping us dream big and hard. Aggressive dreaming is what I would call it. It can also have us breaking down our old calcified boundaries that need an update to be more flexible. Just make sure that you don’t also break down ones that need to remain in place at the same time.

Sunday the 21st, we have a whole TON of transits. I haven’t seen this many exact transits on the same day in a LONG time. Good news is that only one of them is a little bit frictional. That is the Mercury square Uranus. I would avoid communicating any touchy subjects today because this transit can have us flashing on people in the moment before thinking things through. That being said, the Mars trine Pluto may egg on that “flash” so that we can actually heal the response we have to it. The Sun trine Neptune could also just have us languishing in nature somewhere without a care in the world. Or maybe if you DID flash on someone, this would be the thing to do to heal your nervous system after the fact. Venus in Leo is also sextile Jupiter in Gemini at the start of the day, so you might be feeling pretty and social in general. It’s also a good time to go out and shop for something that makes you feel fancy and helps you want to get out in the world.

Also on Sunday we have our second full Moon in Capricorn happening on the 21st of July! Interestingly enough, the first one was on the 21st as well but in June! Think back to what was happing and particularly BEGINNING for you at that time? What did you let go of?

This time the full Moon will be right next to Pluto, the planet of transformation or ELSE! what needs to be unearthed, released and transformed in the part of your chart that contains Capricorn? Time for some deep excavation.

Tread lightly at the start of this week and enjoy the latter half with caution and as always…

- Use wisely the stars you were dealt

If you want a reading with me click here to book


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