Weekly Horoscope 7/8-14 Good Relational Fun With a Little Insecurity

This week’s got some really good stuff in it! Friday is really the only day to watch out for. On Friday, just after Venus moves into Shiny Leo on Thursday, it opposes Pluto in Aquarius. So I hope you have some fun on Thursday.

Venus in Leo is a fun placement for Venus. Individually it can have us spending time and money on our appearance but in a way that ACTUALLY makes us feel good about ourselves. We also just might be attracTIVE to OR attractED to others more easily. As Venus opposes Pluto on Friday however, we could find ourselves projecting out our own experience of insecurity with our appearance or maybe being more judgy about others appearance. On a world stage, Venus opposite Pluto could unearth problems in the financial systems of institutions that deal with large groups of people, nations, or humanity at large.

Now on to the fun part! The rest of the week Venus, Mercury and the Sun are having some fun! On Monday Venus in Cancer is sextiling Unranus in Taurus which means we could experience random acts of kindness and may be called to take better care of ourselves and others. Mercury in Leo is also sextile Jupiter in Gemini. This transit points us towards expressing ourselves verbally, maybe even being more whitty in general. With Jupiter being in Gemini, your firey Mercurial whit and charm may want to be expressed to the masses, why not sign up for a comedy open mic or have a silly game of Charaids with friends and get your clown on!

On Wednesday we have the Sun and Saturn, both in water signs, trining each other. This transit depicts an easy flow of energy between our identity and the way we are able to shine in life and our hard work. It also gives a boost to your vitality. It will be especially noticable if you have been putting in work around these themes already. Otherwise it could pass without much notice more than a general good feeling.

Then on Thursday it’s time to have some fun with Venus in Cancer sextiling Neptune in Pisces before it moves into Leo later in the day for a different kind of fun (see above). This transit lends itself to daydreaming, letting the day flow, and seeing what happens. It has a little bit of a “Disney Princess” feel but whether that experience is in real life for you or in your head, it should still be fun!


Heated ASSASSINATION Horrorscope With some Relief on the Edges 7/15-21


Cancer New Moon Horoscope 7/1 - 7/7