Full Moon Hangover Horoscope Good for Communication 4/22-28/24

Hey everyone! Apologies I didn’t get this out on Monday but…life. So, hope you were able to access some joy over last week and also get through the rough patches! This week we have only a few substantial transits which is totally different than last week’s multi-planetary mashup on one day! The issue is that they are pretty substantial ones in terms of self development.

Also a reminder that we are coming off of a full Moon and that Moon transits can mess with our systems a bit. With a full Moon that can be more so the case if we weren’t able to release something that we needed to let go of; and for new Moon’s it can happen if we failed to plant seeds of intention in a healthy part of our lives.

On Monday the 22nd the Sun moves into (ingresses) Leo and immediately opposes Pluto in Aquarius . This implies a tension between the themes of your chart where you have Leo and where you have Aquarius. Over all it is a tension with our core essence and identity and things that come up and trigger our survival instincts. Leo is about the individual and Aquarius is about a greater good and finding intellectual all encompassing solutions to problems. You may have a tension between how you see yourself and your role in your community.

On Thursday Mercury ingresses into Virgo and the Sun sextiles Mars in Gemini. You might get a little bit of a boost in your communication skills. You might even get some kind of recognition for this. It is also a great day for writing and communicating in general. Look at where Leo and Gemini show up in your chart to get a better idea of where you might get the most play from applying your communication skills.

Then on Friday we have a Chiron retrograde in Aries. Get ready to feel a bit triggered by others and particularly around themes that you have been avoiding previously and that relate to early childhood experiences. This will be happening in the part of your chart that the sign Aries shows up in. Remember, with all these transits there are many mitigating factors which is why getting a reading is important.

Journaling is a great accompaniment to astrological study. I often don’t think a transit is affecting me at all and then when I go back and read my old journal entries it starts making sense. Journaling is particularly helpful if you are highly Mercurial. This means that your chart is very influenced by the energies of the planet Mercury. Give it a try for a month or so and let me know what you think!

Political Corner

If you go back and review the transits we had on Sunday (which was A TON) it is not surprising in the least that this is the day the Democratic nominee and current sitting president decided to step down from the nomination. There is a lot of astrological analysis on this so if you want more info and are a political junkie like me, please message me and I will send you resources.

Also on Friday, which was the day Venus trined the North Node (NN) in Aries, the International Court of Justice officially ruled that the Israeli Occupation is illegal. The significance of this ruling is that it now explicitly states that it is also illegal for other countries to support the occupation in any way. This includes aid of any kind to Israel. The NN represents an acceleration, and Venus has to do with relationships. Venus being in Leo wants to grand stand and be bold. Leo is also a protective sign. Aries is a sign that wants action. All these alignments indicated that something like this was possible, although it could have gone any number of ways. It will be interesting to see how the United States responds to this if at all. So far it is almost absent from our news cycle. Kind of makes me wonder if Biden stepped down now as a distraction.

On that note however, I also think Biden decided to wait this long for a couple reasons: 1. He wanted to see who the Republican VP pick would be. If it was an establishment Republican he probably wouldn’t have felt as confident letting go of the reigns 2. He wanted to make sure that the money would be spent on Kamala’s campaign because with this little amount of time and the way that party funding works, there is no other option to funnel all that money to anyone else but her, and the donors know that. If you want a good analysis of this, check out AOC’s analysis. Also, to be clear I lost a lot of respect for AOC based on her support for Israel’s offensive, but domestically she is pretty dope.

Some of you know that I have my masters in diplomacy and international relations…Ok so here we are deep into the insanity that is election season. I know that you all don’t come here for the political banter, but I also know that so many of us have checked out of politics at a crucial time in the history of this country and the world. Historically, when this happens people suffer. So I would like to invite you all to check back IN to politics with an attitude of curiosity versus contempt. I invite you to treat politicians as what they were originally intended to be: public servants. Yes serving the interests of the people who elected them. Unfortunately Citizens United made it so that the “people” who elected them are often corporations that do not have the interests of humans in mind at all. So in this new political climate I invite you to check in to politics for the sole purpose of knowing where your money is going and THEN finding organizations that you align with who are working to get that money out of the hands of people who are killing and disenfranchising marginalized communities all over the globe. Being engaged politically and voting is not an end point. It is just the beginning. It can be fun too! Even as we are engaged with a fractured political system that doesn’t care about us, we can find organizations that are tackling heavy topics but doing it in such a way that helps to access joy within the work. THOSE are the groups you want to align with and remember…

- Use wisely the stars you were dealt!


Bracing for the Confusion Weekly Horoscope 7/29-8/04


Heated ASSASSINATION Horrorscope With some Relief on the Edges 7/15-21