Finally a fun horoscope!
Venus is do’in her thing in a deep and meaningful way with the help of Pluto this week. There are also a lot of supportive transits for the full Moon which can often be a challenging time when we are encouraged or forced to release something. Since the full Moon is in Sagittarius which is a mutable sign, we might have a bit of an easier time letting go. Overall though, there is a lot of fun energy afoot to play with this week and maybe even a bit of luck with Jupiter featuring heavy in the mix.
I will have a new track out called Mulherona that will drop on the 24th on all streaming platforms (Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music, Pandora, etc. …). It’s a fun, bi-lingual jam with a latin rock kinda feel. Let me know what you think!
On Monday the 20th we enter Gemini season! Ok I dunno bout ya’ll but I absolutely love Gemini season! Even if you have something difficult going on, there are so many flirty distractions around, you can’t wallow for too long. However, it can cause us to flit around like a hummingbird and avoid going deeper. Although, this week at least, Pluto gives us a lot of opportunities to go deep still. In addition the overall astrology of the moment is heavy. There are parallels to other times in history we had similar transits and they coincided with world war and general death and destruction, not dissimilar to our current situation, so I think we deserve a little fun wherever we can find it don’t you!?
This week’s heavy hitters are Thursday the 23rd and Saturday the 25th. Thursday we have a full Moon in Sagittarius, Venus moves into Gemini, comes together with Jupiter in Taurus and sextiles Neptune which will also sextile Jupiter! This means that Thursday is shaping up to be your lucky day to expand yourself creatively and maybe even take some creative risks. Jupiter gives us some beneficial energy. Also, both the Sagittarius full Moon and the sextiles with Neptune will help us expand or philosophy on life and values in general. What this can look like on the world stage is more progress in the realm of female and non cis-gendered folks as one example.
It can also look like what we are seeing happening as the world starts to focus more on folks who are being oppressed in general. We can see the tide moving in this direction with news such as the UN General assembly passing a resolution on May 10th to grant Palestine full membership into the UN, thusly granting it statehood. Of course this would need Security Council approval which the US would veto, but with 143 states voting yes and only 9 voting no, it is clear that the focus is shifting. I would not be surprised if we see similar declarations of solidarity in the realm of women’s rights this week as well.
Ok onward to Saturday when it is the Sun’s turn to sextile Neptune. In general this week is a great one to make yourself feel pretty and smell nice or sniff nice things (whatever that means to you). This is because we have a lot of Neptune and Venus energy afoot and Neptune has to do with our sense of smell, amongst other things, while Venus has to do with pleasure and beauty. So ham it up in this department!
Loose yourself in a lover, dive into a mountain spring, burry your face in the armpit of your crush who doesn’t wear deodorant but somehow that doesn’t bother you one bit! You picking up what I’m putting down? Expansive sensory pleasures is where it’s at! Or maybe just get a mani pedi or better yet, give one yourself to a friend of yours! You could also have some deep philosophical conversations especially on Saturday that expand your mind wildly.
This Saturday’s Venus in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius should be a balm on last Friday’s Mercury in Taurus squaring Pluto in Aquarius which could have brought up some tensions with regards to your concrete thought patterns and the way your communications are received etc. Ultimately Pluto wants us to grow and transform from whatever shows up in this situation, but squares usually do this in a bit of a difficult way. Conversely a trine is a beneficial aspect and it will encourage us to get to the root of something that could be about your values or your sense of self worth/esteem, in a more gentle way.
Overall this is a fun and supportive week so take a load off and…
- Use Wisely the Stars You Were Dealt