A Triggering Horoscope With Some Fortifying Communication

***disclaimer: These are mundane transits that affect us as a group of humans on this planet, they may or may not affect you personally. To find out if they do, either book a reading or study astrology.

Hope you all had some fun last week! There was a lot of Venutian and Neptunian energy to play with to make the fantasy a reality to some extent. This was mostly the case on Saturday. For those of you who attended or participated in SF Carnaval it was truly magical! You can check out my IG for some beautiful images of the day and indulge in the Venutian energy. I know I cried a little watching my incredible friend dance and if you want some tunes, my song Mulherona is available for streaming officially now!

This week is going to be a bit spicy and electric, but we start off with a lot of fortifying as well on Monday as Mercury in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces. This helps us ground some of our more “out there” thinking. It is strengthening to our conversation and communication skills in general.

Another thing I wanted to remind us is that Jupiter has moved from the Taurus into Gemini and although in Hellenistic astrology this is not a favorable position for Jupiter, this simply means that it doesn’t express as “lucky” it usually would. Jupiter wants expansion and high philosophical thought. So while Jupiter is in Gemini, we might be a bit scattered with regards to where our allegiances lie intellectually and otherwise. It might be difficult to pin down what we actually DO believe in. It can also have you a little bogged down in details without seeing the full picture.

All that being said, it is a good time to lean into your friendships, especially if Gemini rules your 11th house of friends and community. For a good Spring/Summer read with your besty check out The Other Significant Others. This is a beautiful book about the role of intimate partnership decoupled from sexual intimacy and looking at our deep friendships as our primary partnerships.

Ok so the spicy part of this week starts on Wednesday and carries through Thursday. On Wednesday, Mars conjuncts Chiron and on Thursday Mercury conjuncts Uranus. Eeeeeeek you say!

Mars conjunct Chiron may have us “aggressively playing the victim, unfortunately we have a very real example of this currently on the world stage with Israel’s actions. Lets hope this doesn’t get amplified. Interpersonally don’t take things personally, wait it out a little before you react to anything that triggers old wounds or just sensitive subjects in general. The Mercury conjunct Uranus transit is more electrifying and fast paced in general but if you are triggered by the Mars Chiron transit from before it might make you a bit sharp tongued. If you aren’t particularly affected by the previous transit, it might just give you a bunch of cool ideas or have you spouting off witty banter with a friend for the day. Just know that any “genius ideas” might not really ACTUALLY seem that genius after Thursday.

Ok ya’ll have at it and remember…

- Use Wisely the Stars You Were Dealt


6/3 finally a good horoscope…Ish…


Finally a fun horoscope!