Electric horoscope 5/13 - 19 2024

Lighting often brings the elements that the Earth needs to sprout new seeds. The seeds you planted for that New Moon in Taurus last week may get an electrifying burst this week as the Sun connects with the planet Uranus in the sign of Taurus. Uranus is quick and electrifying so you might have experienced some big changes in the part of your chart that contains Uranus or another fixed sign. Especially if you have any planets at around 23 degrees of that sign. Remember the fixed signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius.

This week we will have: the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus all in the sign of Taurus. Since Uranus came into contact with the Sun in Taurus after this New Moon, you may have had some clarity around your identity. Uranus will also conjunct Venus at the end of the week on the 18th so whatever comes up around your identity may be around your material values or even your aesthetic appearance and these thought/ideas may come up quickly. Since on Monday Venus sextiles Saturn there is a strong indication that these flashes of insight may be able to endure for a longer time and you may even be able to employ concrete steps to ensure these new aesthetic or material changes. Maybe you have been contemplating a tattoo for some time and it finally feels like you have found the right artist. Maybe you have been interested in top surgery with all this transformative Pluto in Aquarius energy that has been afoot kicking up your gender dysphoria, and you finally decide to go for it!

A word of caution on and around Friday the 17th though as Mercury will square Pluto. This will create some tension in the part of your chart that contains Taurus and Aquarius and especially with any planets around 2 degrees of a sign in these placements. The tension will be around your communication with others or your own thought processes. However, whenever Pluto is involved it is a time that we probably need to dive into whatever issue comes up. Pluto and Aquarius are in fixed signs so watch out for being stubborn and also if a difficult conversation comes up, take note of it and table the discussion for a more favorable transit like Monday of next week when Mercury will sextile Saturn and you can safely get into it and plan some action items!

Sunday the 19th has us fantasizing about what we could be or maybe just confused about our direction in life. It will depend on how the transit hits your birth chart. Book a reading with me to find out what to expect here and remember…

- Use Wisely the Stars You Were Dealt


Finally a fun horoscope!


A Horoscope ripe for (Who’s) Revolution?