• Tuesday


  • Wednesday


  • Thursday

Monday is an OK day collectively so don’t stress if you have something important to do or want to schedule something on that day. This, as always, is information given with the caveat that it ALWAYS depends on how the planets currently are hitting the points where the planets were at the time of your birth. Need help? I’m here!

Yaaaaay! This week’s headliner is that Mercury stations direct on Wednesday the 28th. For a couple weeks before and after Mercury retrogrades, we still feel a little of the energy. This time is called the “retro shade” and remember that Mercury retrogrades about 4 times a year so don’t get to comfy. Also don’t get too scared! Mercury retrograde is a great time to reflect, rest, and reassess. Take all forms of communication more slowly, don't make any major plans or sign contracts or get too involved in trying to prove a point online unless you have no choice.

The other thing that happens on this day 8/28 which will cause some confusion and possibly anxiety is that Venus in Virgo (a Mercury ruled sign) opposes Neptune in Pisces. So you may not feel any kind of difference or even an exaggeration of the energies of the Mercury retrograde because Neptune causes confusion and Virgo wants the details. This is particularly the case if the confusion is around your finances, your self image, self worth or relationships.

  • No ruminating on your finances today if you can help it

  • Did you have any clear answers come up for you in regards to the themes of the part of your chart that contains the sign of Leo?

If this is above your pay grade shoot me a an email.

On Tuesday 8/27 Venus trines Uranus so it might be a fun unexpectedly sweet day.

Then Thursday 8/29 Venus moves into its home sign of Libra which is quite welcome after getting all confused durring Wednesday’s opposition with Pluto. This is a time to get all gussied up and enjoy the finer things in life. It is a good day for diplomacy in general as well. Shortly after this station it trines Pluto in Aquarius which means that the fun, diplomatic, sweet flow of Venus might actually serve in a way to transform something for you or your community at large with little friction. It might be an agreement that is a long time coming or has been previously at a stale mate and that leads to a larger greater good.

  • What is something deep that has been pushing you to change or transform but you have been feeling stuck with?

  • Does it feel easier to make that change on this day?

  • How does this change affect you and your community?

Then on Sunday we have Pluto briefly moving back into Capricorn until December when it moves BACK into Aquarius for the next 20 years! The outer planets like Pluto signify more generational shifts because they move more slowly. Pluto requires deep transformation and reckoning. It will be in the last degrees of Capricorn, the sign of order, rules, old standards, and authority right around the US election. This is a degree in which Pluto has a LOT of energy to get what it wants to done.

  • Does this mean after the election, Capricorn wins out and we enter a time of old values and authoritarian rule OR does it mean Aquarius rules out and the type of revolution we see is ACTUALLY a revolution that benefits us all?

  • Revolution looks different for everyone. It is impossible to know what version will play out.

  • Take some time to explore philosophically what a revolution could look like for a humanity that is more evolved and understands that violence is a short term tactic that has very long term consequences.

Whew we finally made it through the Blue Pill of the DNC and the red pill of the RNC before it. While the RNC had absolutely no substance and was overall embarrassing, I am critical of the Dems because I know they can do better! Though a much needed celebration was in order. Here’s how it shook down astrologically:

  • Mars in Gemini

    • There were a lot of amazing speeches and seemed like a lot of fun. Not to mention the amazing performance by Jon Legend doing a Prince tribute with a kick ass female lead guitar, but I digress.

  • Venus opposite Saturn:

    • Constraint on creative protest

    • There were many Palestinian speakers who were not allowed to speak.

    • Democrats deluding themselves by thinking they could briefly discuss Palestine and that would be enough.

  • Full Moon in Aquarius forming a T-square with Uranus

    • DNC as a ruse to push forward 20 billion more dollars worth of bombs for the IDF to drop on a population 70% of which is under the age of 18.

    • Uranus governs bombs and explosives and Aquarius is about the people and greater good. This is through an individualistic lens of knowing what is “best for” others.

    • Aquarius also governs the internet and fast transfer of information to the masses so the DNC wasn’t able to get away with much.

Let me help you…“Use wisely the stars you were dealt”…


Virgo New Moon HOROSCOPE 8/26-9/01


8/19-25 Erratic Aquarian Full Moon Horoscope