8/19-25 Erratic Aquarian Full Moon Horoscope

Ok so apologies for leaving you all hangin til now for this Monday’s frantic chaotic unpredictable full Moon in Aquarius! I know that you all felt it! Full Moon’s are when the Sun and Moon are opposite each other and therefor in opposite signs. Today this opposition was in a T-square with the planet Uranus which is associated, with fast moving information, technology, but most importantly unpredictability. Aquarius has to do with individuality and big picture perspective so look for some unexpected quick changes out in the world.

Monday 8/19: in addition to the afore mentioned transit we also have a Venus opposing Saturn

  • Need to restructure your finances

  • Boundaries on your relationships and values

  • How does your creative process affect your values?

  • How do your relationships reflect your values?

Jupiter square Saturn

  • Where can you get support and structure for your big ideas?

Sun square Uranus

  • Your identity and how you present in the world may be at odds with your immediate needs for comfort and security. Which will win out?

Thursday 8/22 = Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini

  • Flirty sexual tension

  • Makeup sex

  • Tension between feminine and masculine

  • Your values coming under fire

  • May want to spend money just to show off

Friday 8/23: a good day to compost whatever issues came up for you during Monday’s transits. Did you or anyone you know act erratic or out of character? Use this day to repair

Mercury retrograde in Leo trine Chiron in Aries

  • Time to communicate the needs you have acquired as a result of early wounds to those who are safe.

  • What have you learned about the way you think about your early life wounds/traumas?

Mars in Gemini sextile Mercury retrograde in Leo

  • You may have more energy to think about and tackle some of the problems you may have with the way you think and communicate with others.

Saturday 8/24 - Mars in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries = a good day to put some energy around self care and healing through talking it out with friends who are safe.




Buckle Up Horoscope 8/12-18