Buckle Up Horoscope 8/12-18

Are people feeling a little less heavy as of late? That is probably because we got a bit of a break in the astrology last week with a minimal amount of transits. Sometimes when the stars are more chill, it gives our psyche a chance to catch up and rest and other times it just feels bad. Kind of like when you are rushing so much that you don’t have time to be sick, then when you are back home and relaxed you get a pretty bad bug. Luckily this time we got a break and not an astrological bug so to speak. This is, of course, collectively speaking. The astrology can always hit us individually in a different way depending on our birth chart which is our blue print for how we operate in this world. One of the fun transits last week was the Sun in it’s home sign of Leo sextling Jupiter in flirty Gemini on Wednesday the 7th. Go back to last weeks horoscope and compare notes with your journaling to see what came up for you.

Last week we had Tim Walz being announced as the VP pick for the Democratic party and although the right is saying that he is a progressive pick, this is far from the case. He is way closer to that though than any other candidates. The other thing that he ushered in was a sense of normalcy and every day speech while still addressing the pressing issues we are faced with. The light heartedness of last weeks astrology can be seen in this choice.

The larger more generational transits, however, are still quite heavy which is why ongoing world conflicts are still affecting all of us in more of a visceral, immediate, and personal way. This includes especially the conflict in Gaza. It is important to realize that this conflict is emblematic of revolutionary change on a global scale and has been for decades. This is why marginalized militant groups like the Black Panther Party here in Oakland have shown solidarity with it. It shows us clearly what powerful individuals and the ruling class will continue to do if we don’t take a stand. We can see a slow but papable change when we look at how some of the ruling class is starting to respond. Josh Shapiro was kept off the Democratic ticket largely as a result of his treatment of Palestinian protestors and his stance on Israel. Although the Democratic party at large has a lot to atone for in this regard, getting a self professed Zionist out of the presidency, and having a sitting VP and other members of Congress protesting the invitation of the Israeli PM to speak, as well as paying lip service to the atrocities in Gaza is a welcome start. Uranus in Taurus also has to do with revolutionary change to the land and Earth. We can see this in climate activism as well as people linking the land and resources to the endless wars in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Ok SO this is the week you might want to start shutting it down for the rest of August. On the 14th Mars links up with Jupiter which leads to a spread of aggression, conflict, violence etc. It COULD help you be more aggressive in an area of your life that needs a little “umph” but in general it isn’t the most favorable transit. On the same day Mercury moves into the sign of Leo so your communication may get a little prideful and arrogant on top of all that. Not the best combo for making new friends.

THEN on the 15th we have the Sun in Leo trining Chiron in Aries and Mars in Gemini squaring Saturn in Pisces. Mars squaring Saturn feels like being stuck in an elevator when you are late for the most important interview of your life. It also puts a damper on our creative process, since Saturn is in Pisces and Mars being in Gemini might make our communication even more aggressive. The Sun Chiron transit could have you digging into your past and working through some early wounding in a productive way.

Sunday is jam packed with three transits. The first one is a Mercury retrograd in Leo square Uranus in Taurus. You might be a little nervy in your thought process and feel like you aren’t being supported in your new ideas. They might seem innovative to you while receiving no traction from others. Since Mercury retrograde is also with the Sun we might get triggered around issues of our personal identity as well. Since Venus in Virgo is in it’s fall, its ability is diminished and because on Sunday the 18th it is in Virgo AND square Jupiter which is in detriment in the sign of Gemini, both planets are going to have a hard time expressing themselves. You might feel hyper analytical and like your thoughts are a bit all over the place and cannot be channeled effectively.

Overall it’s a good time to pull your blankie up and hunker down for the rest of August. Chill my friends and remember…

- Use wisely the stars you were dealt


8/19-25 Erratic Aquarian Full Moon Horoscope


Her-oscope 8/5-8/11