Her-oscope 8/5-8/11

If you all are watching the Olympics you probably have been noticing some of the issues that have been coming up around gender. This has a lot to do with the Venus Uranus square AND the Venus trine Chiron that we had last week. Venus is a sign that is associated with femininity and folks outside of the dominant hetero-normative masculine culture. Uranus is also associated with non-traditional forms of living including non-traditional forms of gender expression. Chiron has us looking back at early wounding and early triggers and trauma. So there is a real reckoning happening with the way gender has traditionally presented itself in elite sports. Here are some of the stories that came up: First time the Olympics have EVER been gender equal, Algerian boxer accused of being a man, First time the US has EVER got an Olympic bronze medal in female rugby and player Ilona Maher is fat-shamed and questioned about her gender. Simultaneously Simone Biles and Katie Ledecky are at a place that no one can or maybe will EVER touch them. Have fun watching and supporting this epic moment in women’s sports!

Ok on to this upcoming week! Here we go with another Mercury retrograde this time in Leo. It stationed retrograde on the 4th and will be retrograde until it stations direct on the 28th. Remember that Mercury retrogrades about 3-4 times a year. Mercury retrogrades are just a time for us to review themes that correspond to the particular place in our birth chart where the sign that Mercury is currently in shows up. In this case it is in Leo. Yes we will have communication issues and maybe muddled thinking patterns but it’s just calling us to clarify. In this case we are looking at themes around where we are more public, our identity, maybe where we feel a sense of pride in our lives, etc.

Wednesday is the main day to work with this week. We have the Sun in Leo sextiling Jupiter in Gemini. The Sun is comfortable in the sign of Leo but Jupiter is in detriment in Gemini. A sextile is also a beneficial aspect however so over all it is a favorable transit and can help us express our identity in a more open and social way. The flip side is that Jupiter in detriment in the sign of Gemini AND the ruler of Gemini, Mercury, being retrograde may have us not able to fully express who we are and how we show up in the world as easily as we would have hoped to on and around this date. This is also compounded since Venus is conjunct retrograde Mercury on that same day. If you have to sign any wordy contracts, particularly around financial matters try to push it off and avoid doing it on and around this date. Also try not to get frustrated if you have to repeat yourself several times in order for people to understand you during a Mercury retrograde.


Buckle Up Horoscope 8/12-18


Bracing for the Confusion Weekly Horoscope 7/29-8/04