Virgo New Moon HOROSCOPE 8/26-9/01

It’s all about the details!


  • Monday


  • Friday


  • Saturday

Nurse Boogz in September

I will be performing a musical set for this event for those of you in the Seattle area on September 14th!

Welp we made it through August! Just barley eh?! Was anyone else sucked into a political black hole for a moment or two?

Sometimes it’s important to realize that there are people places and things around us every day that are actively trying to heal us. We just have to notice them. Have you ever been irritated or angry walking down the street when someone locks eyes with you and smiles. Before your brain could register that something good just happened to you that day, you pass the person who is left with the image of your scowling face. Their smile makes you pause for a minute and realize there IS good in the world to access and also calls you back to your role in accessing and contributing to that good for yourself and others.

Trines and Sextiles are kind of like that. The benefic/beneficial energy is floating all around, but since it isn’t aggressive, it can float by unnoticed if we let it. The harder aspects that are more abbraisive like squares and oppositions force us to change and often in less comfortable ways.

So let’s start off September trying actively to engage with the smallest good that is trying to get us to notice it every day, knowing full well that the more challenging parts of life will continue to arise and force our hand. It is up to us to acknowledge them and lessen their hold on us. That is where choice and agency comes in.

All this was a way to fluff you up for the first week of September where there is only one benefic transit and the rest are challenging transits (insert face palm emoji). Before you get alarmed, remember that change always comes!

So as I mentioned previously, Pluto, the planet of transformation by any means necessary, is going to be moving back into the sign of Capricorn from the sign of Aquarius from September 1st until November 19th. Right after the US elections.

  • Structure

  • What prevailing systems of order and structure are the least difficult for you to get behind through mid November? When Pluto moves into Aquarius revolutions that are not part of the status quo may have more momentum for the next 20 years! Plenty of time! Life is long!

  • Have you examined your beliefs around the world order at large? Has anything changed? Is there anything that has current momentum in our tangible reality that feels right to engage with?

Monday the 2nd NEW MOON IN VIRGO! 7:55pm PST

  • Earth sign New Moons are GREAT for seed planting! Both physically and spiritually

  • What are you starting that needs careful tending to?

Mercury in Leo trines Chiron in Aries 06:46am PST

  • Our one gentle-ish transit of the week.

  • Time to examine the types of communication that triggers old wounds and develop ways to communicate to others how we would like them to communicate with US based on this examination.

Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces 09:09pm PST

  • Our more aggressive thought patterns may butt heads with our ideals.

  • If you get frustrated that things aren’t fairytale perfect, pause and sit with the feelings that come up or constructively discharge them in a setting that could be an “easy win” for you like rock climbing, a run, or some kind of physical activity with a reward at the end!

Friday the 6th Mercury squares Uranus in Taurus 8:20pm PST

  • You or someone else may become stuck in your ways and or over protective out of nowhere.

  • How can you make a quick change that you may have been wanting to make for awhile that could lead to lasting consequences? You may be forced to do so, so try and take the reigns here to avoid the consequences being harsher than you can handle.

  • Be prepared for surprises and conflict.

Saturday the 7th The Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces

  • Are you a Virgo Sun or rising sign?

  • How is your need for structure and order at odds with your creativity and the need to connect with others?

  • Do you feel like a part of your identity is connected to service of some kind? If so, in what part of your life specifically?

  • Find out where the sign of Virgo is in your birth chart.

Use Wisely the Stars You Were Dealt


