6/24-29 A Horoscope for some Nurturing Conversations

So my class Astrology Sexuality and Sexual Health over the weekend turned out great and thank you to all of you who made it out! Please email me if you are interested in an online class or if you are male identified and would like to take the class too!

Also make sure to follow Nurse Boogz on Spotify or wherever you stream music as I will have a new song out this week on the 27th called HumanKind that may help you through any emo times that may crop up.

The headliners this week are Mercury and Venus! Also we get a break from heavy astrology again as we integrate the lessons of the Capricorn full Moon we just had on the 21st. Capricorn is a Saturn ruled sign which means it likes structure and order. Full Moon’s are all about release so maybe you were able to develop a structure to how you were going to let go of something in your life that made it more attainable of a goal. No expectations of course, but always here to support that journey! The upcoming new Moon in Cancer at the beginning of next month will help you nurture and plant new seeds in soil that you hopefully cleared out while the Moon was in Capricorn.

So this week Mercury in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces on Wednesday! This is a great transit for being nurturing towards yourself and others. It also really supports developing this nurturing through supporting each other’s boundaries. It is a transit that really wants us to put words to the commitments we have towards one another.

Then on Friday Venus, also in nurturing Cancer, will sextile Mars in Taurus which will really support us after the more challenging Mercury square Chiron earlier that day. All the Cancerian deep and loving communication may touch on some challenging topics that remind us of our earlier wounding with the Mercury square Chiron. However, it is quite likely that this will be necessary and help move our relationships forward because of that Venus - Mars more favorable transit. Also, in general Venus sextile Mars can be a fun and flirty time.

Lastly, on Saturday, Mercury sextiles Uranus in Taurus. Uranus isn’t super happy in quick changing Taurus, but it supports some intuitive thinking and flashes of insight. It also could just give you some “a-ha” moments where things suddenly fall into place. You also might just be able to communicate your truth more clearly to others all of a sudden.

Again and as always, your mileage may vary depending on where these transits fall in your chart or if they make angels to your Natal points at all. If you want more in depth analysis of how this all affects you personally, book a reading for free in the Month of July! That’s right, as a gift to everyone, for my birthday month I am offering free readings to anyone who agrees for me to use part of the recorded reading for a future podcast! There are only a few spots left! Just book the Astrology/Tarot reading and remember…

- Use wisely the stars you were dealt!


Cancer New Moon Horoscope 7/1 - 7/7


Capricorn Full Moon Horoscope 6/17 - 23