Capricorn Full Moon Horoscope 6/17 - 23

This week Mercury and Venus come together to square Neptune on Monday and then the Sun ALSO squares Neptune later in the week. We also have a Capricorn full Moon on the same day that Mercury sextiles Mars and of course we have the Summer Solstice and Cancer season starting!

Ok so lets break it down…

Monday might: have you feeling a bit like you are putting yourself out there but your needs aren’t being met in the way that you want, that you don’t have a handle on your finances, or that you are hitting a block in anything that has to do with your values, money, relationships, or physical appearance. Since Neptune is in Pisces the situation may feel even more confusing. You could also have some kind of healthy tension arise when it comes to your creativity in general that leads you to future successes. All of this may come on a bit strong because Neptune is at it’s Anoretic degree which means it is about to leave the sign it is in, and wants to discharge all of its energy beforehand. Since Mercury is in the nurturing sign of Cancer, when tensions arise you might be well served by putting up on crabby shell and retreating into a body of water for the day, even if that’s a bathtub or sticking your face in a bowl of ice water to recalibrate.

The Sun Neptune square on Thursday will feel pretty distracting since both the Sun and Neptune are in mutable signs which are highly distractible. The day might just feel overwhelming in nature. We may even feel like aspects of our identity are being challenged in some way but we cannot really figure out where the tension lies. Thankfully, later that day the Sun moves into Cancer where we can nurture ourselves a little bit more or maybe just have a good cry after all that.

Then on Friday we have a supportive transit as Mercury sextiles Mars. Friday we might be able to garner some energy to have some conversations with those we love and care for about what we mean to one another. Since Mars is in Taurus, we might even have the huevos to call in sick to work, luxuriate with a close friend/loved one and be completely unbothered by it.

***If you want to find out how these transits do or do not affect your personally book a reading and I’m happy to help!


My Cancer Sun and my 11th house Venus in Gemini wants to thank you all by offering free readings to anyone who books in July for July and agrees to have the reading be a part of my future podcast.

Remember this Saturday I am teaching Astrology Sexuality and Sexual Health. Follow that link and this one for for those of you without Instagram, for info on the class, also please share it. You can register directly here as well.


6/24-29 A Horoscope for some Nurturing Conversations


Hor(ror)scope 6/10/24 with a Soothing Balm to Work With