Horoscope 12/11 - 17 - 2023

“All living things have consciousness, so maybe the animals aren’t less conscious than we but merely more conscious of different things” - Donna Cunningham - Moon Signs

Did you know we can see our affinity for animals in our birth charts!? We are living in trying times and there is a growing body of evidence and research suggesting that humans who have experienced significant trauma often feel more comfortable with animals than with people. It is also helpful for them to model behaviors with a trusted source of unconditional love such as a pet, building that confidence, then looking for humans to do this with.

The Past: Last week did, in fact, turn out a mixed bag of OK and “meh” as suspected and I’m curious how it landed for you all. Wednesday and Thursdays transits were a bit sticky with the planet of confusion, fantasy, and creativity (Neptune) stationing direct in it’s home sign of Pisces. Since Saturn was co-present in Pisces I’m sure this time was a little rough. Also the Sun trine Chiron on Thursday the 7th was a bit difficult as well I’m sure. In my experience, Any transit to Chiron has the potential for us to get our asses handed to us even if the transit (like this one) is beneficial (a trine). That is because Chiron is a bit of a “no bullshit” planet in that it deals with core, foundational wounds. So even with growth in these areas, it doesn’t always feel great especially if it deals with our Identity aka our Sun, which it did in this case. I know it didn’t feel great for me. Also, Venus moving into Scorpio colored most of the week last week so your value systems and the way you feel about your physical appearance may have also taken a bit of a hit since this is not a “happy” sign for Scorpio to be in. Fear not faithful star child for the only thing constant in life is change itself!

The Present: Are you interested in knowing where you are at in REAL TIME astrologically? Your Progressed Moon can give you a good guide to where you are at currently, both emotionally and physically. It is one of the valuable techniques I am adding to my practice shortly if you are interested, go ahead and book a reading with me. If anyone is interested in learning more about this advanced technique check out the work of Narayana Montúfar. Remember Sagies get a free reading with me until the 21st of December.

The Future: “Ok get on with it already!” you say. So what do we have in store for us this week? (rubs hands together evilly) . Most of you all probably know we have a New Moon in Sagittarius happening BUT did you ALSO know that it will be squaring Neptune AND Mercury will be going retrograde on the same day?! Will the planets ever give us a break you ask…emphatically the answer is NO…I am sorry. However, it is up to us to find the bright spots in all this. As always, YOUR OWN interpretations of the transits carry the most weight, but it is important to have others turn the lens over for us at times so we can see the same information from a different angle. That way we can actually find the hidden bright spots in this human experience of ours. So how does Galactic Nurse Boogz interpret this all?

Monday (today, 12/11) is probably going to be your best bet for enjoying some free flow beneficial communication and aesthetic beauty in a relational context and maybe even in your writing and communication style in general (including flirty texts etc). As you can probably tell, I am using you all for my own selfish benefit in this regard as we speak. Hey we gotta get it where we can! The reason you may be feeling this way is because Mercury the planet of all forms of communication and over intellectualizing but not sticking anywhere too long, is beneficially aspecting Venus. So get it in now friends then batten the hatches for the rest of the week. After Mercury retrogrades til beginning of next month and Neptune squares the Sun on Friday everything may be a bit confusing and you may need to double and triple check everything. With the Neptune square the Sun on Saturday you may just be hit with some existential questions like “who am I REALLY” or “why does X never work for me?” just be ok to live in this feeling for a little while longer. Pick it up like an object and observe it with little to know attachment. No answers are going to come until the Gregorian new year. Meditate, meditate, meditate and be gentle with each other this week in general.

Thank you for your time.


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12/4-10 Galactic nurse boogy-scope