12/4-10 Galactic nurse boogy-scope

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Welp I missed the Monday mark again didn’t I? Woopsie, but cut me some slack! I think we all needed a break after Sunday’s Venus square Pluto! How did that manifest for you all? I was doing an Ironman race and there were multiple gnarly bike crashes. Mars is usually the planet involved with crashes and Mercury is specific to bicycles so it was a bit of a strange way that it showed up. I can only assume that it may have had to do with Venus, the planet of our values, being in it’s sign (Libra) and all the crashes involving extremely expensive bikes!

I hope whatever transformations around ya’lls values, wealth, and physical identity that happened over the weekend and bled into Monday, were a bit more gentle. For those interested, I will have an IG post with pics and a race summary that I will link for you at a later date. If anyone is interested in more information on multi sport feel free to email me.

Ok on to the vegan meat of the week astrologically speaking! This week is a lot of Venutian energy in general and because I am starting us out on Monday, it all looks pretty OK! We have some on going longer transits that will be coloring things a little melancholy for us, but over al,l the personal planets will be giving us a bit of a reprieve this week.

The tricky part of it comes with Venus’s transition into the sign of Scorpio. It is not typically super comfy here. However, this could be a time for us to assess our relationship to what we value and the power structures that surround these values. Are they in keeping with our overall goal and direction in life? Maybe our old value system needs a transformational makeover. For those of us living in the Capitalist West, we are being confronted with the limits of our power grab on a daily basis now. How will we hold those who represent us accountable for their atrocious actions in our name? Big and small actions all count! On Tuesday (today) that Scorpionic Venus will trine Saturn in Pisces so we might get a bit more clarity on where and how this transformation may happen for us personally or in the world at large or at least be able to see the steps a bit more clearly.

Friday is also optimal for us to put in some work around how our identity might be affected by our early wounding, with the Sun trine Chiron. Also, Mercury trine Jupiter may be able to help us communicate more openly and expansively in this regard.

Report back!


Horoscope 12/11 - 17 - 2023


what is a “natal planet”