MARINA ASTROLOGY-Weekly Horoscope Pre New Moon 12/23-29

This week is another mixed bag. Jupiter and Saturn are a bit at odds. So look our for a push and pull between expansion and contraction.


Venus in Aquarius sextiles Chiron in Aries

  • Look out for some expansion in how you interact in your relationships.

  • Expansion of your values

  • Easier to deal with triggers that come up in relationships

  • Energy to expand your value system as you work on your early childhood wounds

Jupiter in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces

Jupiter isn’t really happy in Gemini where it’s powers are a bit constrained. There was a big celestial event when Jupiter first linked up with Saturn during the beginning days of the pandemic and I know we have all been steadily feeling the difficulty in our inner and outer lives as we come into this square.

  • Don’t loose the forest for the trees

  • You may feel a bit like your big ideas are getting held back by outside forces

  • It may be hard for you to work within an existing structure


Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini. Mercury’s playful spirit in Sagittarius is at odds with Jupiter being constrained by Gemini. These two planets are forming a T-Square with Stubborn Saturn in emotional Pisces

  • You may have big ideas but they will probably be held back by not paying attention to the details…SO REMEMBER TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS!!

  • All of this may lead to a confusion arising in any boundaries that have already been set or that you are trying to set currently.


Venus in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus

  • Your ideas about relationship in community may be at odds with the things in life that bring you comfort.

  • Unexpected upsets in your comfort level

-Use Wisely the Stars You Were Dealt!


MARINA ASTROLOGY-Earthy New Moon Weekly Horoscope 12/30-01/05


MARINA ASTROLOGY-Weekly Horoscope Confusion and Expansion 12/16-12/22