All sarcasm intended…womp womp…

We will be in Eclipse season from now until the beginning of October which means some things will be obscured and others will be revealed all in the setting of high emotions that are often expressed physically because of the Moon. Whatever shifts for you will play out over the next six months. Keep this in mind and plan accordingly…


Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


Thursday…yup ya got only one this week. Le sigh


In astrology we have a saying called “astrology good” which is when something happens that aligns with the astrology to a T but could be either favorable or unfavorable in nature. It just lets us know that astrology works. Yesterday, Sunday the 15th of September was just such an occasion.

If you all remember from last week this day, was a day that was supposed to kick up violence and aggression because Mars was square to the North Node (NN). Mars was in a sign it is not comfortable in, Cancer, which can lead it to aggressively play a victim role or be passive aggressive in it’s worst expressions.

The NN, which is a point where eclipses occur, was in the sign of Aries. The NN increases the energies of whatever it is in contact with and the sign of Aries is an individualistic, aggressive sign; so these are the energies that were increased. And what happened on that day? If you don’t already know, there was another assassination attempt on the former Orange Excellency (OE) himself.

Now, if any of you are voting for him this round, or not voting, I think it might be safe to ask if you would be just as comfortable with a Vance presidency because Vance’s boss clearly has a bullseye on his back that is being sighted by members of his own party. Both the first and second assassination attempts were by individuals who were currently or recently Republican and supported OE. Just some food for thought.


So after our aggressive tendencies get kicked up a notch globally and maybe personally, we jump RIGHT into a Venus square with Chiron on Monday the 16th and a Lunar eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday at 7:34 in Pisces. This means wherever you have Pisces in your chart will be getting a goth style makeover. If you want to find out what part of your chart/life will get hit by this eclipse season, look at where you have Pisces and Virgo in your birth chart. You can use a free chart drawing tool online to do that. Here is one that uses the Campanus house system. There are others that you can change the house system in as well.

Remember that lunar eclipses are full Moons where as solar eclipses, like we will have in October, are new Moons. Full moons want us to release while New moons generally are good times for planting seeds. Not so much with eclipses however, but we will get into that more in October so stay tuned.

  • How do your finances or lack there of affect your creativity?

  • Expect to have some early life wounds reopened around your values, relationships, or body image.

  • What is changing in your creative/artisitic world?

  • What needs to be released?

  • Is there something coming up aggressively in your life?

  • Where are your boundaries more porous?

  • Do they need to be refined?

Wednesday 9/18 we have a Mercury in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces. Any time Saturn and Mercury are involved think communication and boundaries. Since we have an opposition between these planets there might be more of a projected challenge with the following themes versus an easy flow like a trine.

  • Where do you need to develop better boundaries in the way you COMMUNICATE to others?

  • Where do you need to develop better boundaries in the way you THINK about yourself and others?

  • Where do you need to be more boundaried in how you receive communication?

  • How do you communicate the details of your life to others in a concise manner?

  • How do you develop boundaries with the ways in which you serve others?

  • How do you structure your creativity in a way that serves its grounding in process and it’s flow into your larger community?

  • How do the systems you have developed in your routine life affect your spirituality?

Thursday 9/19 we have a Sun trine Uranus

  • Expect the unexpected

  • What acts of service and detail oriented behavior are wrapped up in your identity?

  • Today might be a day that you comfortably feel rooted in these parts.

  • Accept any random acts of kindness that may come your way and dole some out to others.

Friday 9/20 we have a Sun opposite Neptune which leads to confusion about who we are and how we fit in the world

  • Don’t make any big decisions

  • Be weary of putting others or situations on a pedestal

Saturday 9/21 we have a Mercury square Jupiter and a Sun trine Pluto.

  • A good day to avoid any kinds of mass communication efforts

  • Be weary about any news that comes out on or around today especially with the confusion of yesterday’s Sun opposite Neptune.

  • Late evening time is a good time to get into the details around anything that comes up that inadvertently triggers your fight or flight mechanisms. I wouldn’t be surprised if it has to do with something that happens earlier in the day.

    • Sit with the emotions though

    • No need to process with others right now

    • What visceral responses come up for you?

Sunday 9/22 we start Libra season! This means the Sun is moving into the sign of Libra. It then squares Pluto before it leaves its home sign of Libra and moves into the sign of Scorpio where it puts on black lipstick. It’s kind of fitting that it would hit Pluto before it moves into Scorpio.

  • 10% discount for Libra Suns and rising signs this month on Solar Return readings. Book below

  • Expect some disruptions financially or in terms of your value systems or relationships

  • Maybe some kink or deep brooding connection in the bedroom or relationships in general.

  • Also could be conflict and tension that arises in relationship that must be dealt with.

  • Does it lead to a shift in the power dynamics of a relationship you have?


Feel free to email me with any stories on how it all shakes out I love it!

Let me help you…“Use wisely the stars you were dealt” - Book a reading
