MARINA ASTROLOGY- Horoscope 12/09-12/15 Full Moon in Gemini
FULL MOON IN GEMINI 12/14 or 15.
The Moon is a bit challenged in the sign of Gemini where it can over think things and spiral a bit
We will have a little help though because the planet Jupiter which is often associated with luck, will be conjunct or right next to the Moon.
Jupiter is also associated with expansion so it remains to be seen if you get some beneficial aspects associated with it’s co-presence with the Moon or simply more expansion of over thinking, spiraling, and intrusive thoughts…report back!
10% off a reading for anyone who notices a shift or some kind of forced release/expansion in a certain area of their life who books a reading this week.
The planet Mercury which rules the sign of Gemini will be in Sagittarius which means you might have an extra push to end something in your life especially with regards to educational/spiritual endeavors.
Tuesday 12/10
The Sun in Sagittarius and Chiron in Aries both trine each other in fire signs.
Something may come up on or around this date that allows you to see a different and more easeful way to heal from the baggage left from your earlier life’s trauma.
You may end one story of victimhood and embark on a new healing journey that is more empowering and action oriented.
Thursday 12/12
Pluto in Aquarius opposes retrograd Mars in Leo.
Aggressions may be high today
You might feel your fight or flight mechanisms being triggered with every little thing.
Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Venus in Aquarius
If the Pluto Mars opposition dredged up anything between you and any significant relationship in your life, this transit may help you communicate your true feelings on the matter effectively and lead to some repair.
Whatever comes of this may have a ripple effect out into your larger community.